Nipple recon update

Just want to update you, I have just got back from seeing my surgeon re the nipple recon, and he was really great, and they now do tattooing so needless to say, I am really pleased that I will be able to get it all done.

I have an appointment to have it done on 2nd April, the day after my Birthday! He is also going to tidy up my scar as I have a bit of spare skin (he is going to use it to construct the nipple). How’s that for recycling?

Just glad to finally be getting on with the last bits and pieces.

Best wishes to everyone, love Deborahxxx

Hi Deborah,

Great news, I’ve been wandering how you were getting on all day.

The 2nd April will soon be here, my nipple recon is scheduled for the 26th Feb so I’ll let you know how it all goes, I am also having my underarms tidied up both sides.

Take care


hi Debs and Kaz, you won’t regret getting it done, trust me it does not hurt, and mine took an hour and a half, go for it girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I’m waiting for mine - what method are they using for you?

Please report back on how it goes and how it looks.


Hi Dahlia,

Not sure what method they are using for mine I think it involves cutting into the reconstructed breasts, I don’t think they are taking the skin from anywhere else, although they are also tidying under my arms as I have quite alot of excess skin which hangs over my bra straps, so I suppose they could make them from that but I don’t think they are. I am having a general anethesetic because of the underarm work but will be in and out within the same day.

I most definately will keep you all informed of how it went after the 26th Feb so you know what’s to come.

Thankyou for all your comments

Take care

with my nipple recon they used the skin that they put in the nipple area from my back, then just cut it and formed the nipple from that, i am dying to have a look at it, it feels ok when you touch it through the bandage

…And with mine, they cut the skin on my reconstructed breasts in a kind of little clover leaf shape and pulled that up, and around the nipple the aureole was made of skin grafted from high up on the inside of my thighs where it is naturally darker. I am very pleased with the result. I was offered the option of tattooing after it had all healed but decided not to as my skin was never very dark and it all looks pretty natural - as natural as it can be! It healed easily and quickly, both on the breasts and where the graft had been taken, although for a few days after the op I was walking around like a cowboy who’d lost his horse! petitepart