Hi, my full path report is still not available. That is why my results discussion with surgeon left something to be desired.
When I started asking question of the radiation houseman yesterday,she wrote them all out and went to see the consultant, the consultant managed to get them to dictate the report over the phone and we worked from there.
Guess why there is no report available. All reports have to be signed before release and the person who signs them is on holiday!!!
Hi OAL I went to get my results from a lumpectomy yesterday and had to drag the information out. Are we entitled to receive the path report? I seem to remember signing something which said that I wanted to see everything pertaining to my illness. It turns out I need a re=excision and possibly more,
You are indeed entitled to your path report. Write a letter to your surgeon asking for copies of all lab reports and all letters that are sent to your GP. Some do it just with a verbal request, my place insisted on having it in writing.
i have decided to ring PALS about this. It seems ridiculous that my radiotherapy treatment is to be planned using scribbled noted dictated over the phone. Chinese whispers come to mind