Hi am waiting to find out when my ANC will be, I am still numb, sore, tingly, feeling heavy armed from my mastectomy and recon! So will these feelings get worse?
What will the scar be like, size wise?
will I have a drain again? How long for?
will I get more cordapps try not to use deodorant on the side that I n have sentinel nodes removed that wilhalos have surgery on, just talc and use wet wipes a lot! However it can pong, does anyone use the natural ones like Dr Organic or Salt of the Earth?
many thanks
Claire xx
Hi Claire
I had clearance three weeks after initial op and yes, I had a drain but only for three days, all of which I spent in hospital. I was allergic to the pain killer tramadol so not to do with the op really. The ANC scar is about two inches long but it healed really well and it is not noticeable when I wear sleeveless top unless I point it out to people!
i now use Pitroc deodorant available from holland and Barrett or other health shops. It is safe and it is recommended for people like us!
I don’t risk using talc. I massage my arm with aqueous cream, but the BEST thing to do is to get someowle else to massage your arm for you as they can use two hands. Start of gently. I loved these massages and am sure they helped relieve the weird feelings you get after op.
good luck with it all
Thanks Rara
i actually bought some Jason deodorant today, do you think that would be ok?
Hi Rara,
I don’t know if you have read this article about Aqueous Cream. It is mainly for people with excema but everyone should be alerted to the dangers of using creams that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate.
I only use it as a soap replacement now, and not as an emollient/moisturiser. I did use it for a while, but the skin on my shins went like paper. Now I use E45 only for moisturising, although Asda do one called ‘Protect’.
Poemsgalore xx
Hey Claire I just use Simple shower gel unperfumed etc
I had mine 3 weeks ago and today it feels slightly better like Im getting some feeling back and the loaf of bread under the arm feeling is slightly getting better
try and stick to the exercises they give you think they do help slightly
I had ANC in January following SNB showing 2/2 macromatasiesis. ANC was 0/18 so very pleased. had a drain and unfortunately had recurring Seroma ( fluid build up) after drain removal which needed repeated draining and caused a bit of swelling. This was a nuisance more than anything as it slowed down the healing process.
I was told to keep things moving and massage my arm towards tThey shoulder every day using body cream. I use Boots No7 'cos I like the smell! Now after 6 months and 6 cycles of chemo (FEC/T) I have full mlobility and normal use of affected arm. It is however still somewhat numb in the armpit and down the back of my arm. I have been warned some of this is likely to be permenant but it doesnt really bother me unduly.
I spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday Khyaking anad snorlking off the North Wales coast. I’m involved in a Lymphodeama study involving digital measurements and fluid level measurements - a nice lady puts sticky pads on me and passes a very minute electric curnt through me every 3months. I’ve decided to carry on with my life virtually as I did pre diagnosis. Am not silly as I avoid needles, and blood pressure on that side and act very quickly and conscientiously if I cut or scrape that arm. I have however continued my outdoor sports (sailing, Khyaking, swimming, gardening, rambling and narrowboating) restricted only by my energy levels.
I also use deodorant, talc, body spray, shower gel etc as and when I want to since the wounds all healed. No one ever told me not to (although I did have to shower with Hibiscrub throughout the chemo due to having a hickman line Christie Hospital policy).
I have no idea what the long term effects of this decision will be but I don’t want Cancer to take away the things I enjoy.
Good luck to all of you undergoing treatment. It’s horrible but doable.
MMM xxx
Hi Claire I had ANC in June followed by MX yesterday as didn’t get clear margins on my 2 lumpectomys! My arm felt quite stiff afterwards and the nerves burned a little, however not as bad as I expected it to be! Make sure you do the exercises they really help! I did have a bit of seroma that needed draining but it didn’t hurt because the area was numb and the relief was huge after they had done it!! I have also had reflexology specifically aimed at the lymph system and this has helped me hugely although its not recommended if you’re having chemo. The scar is small, you need to be careful when shaving under that arm as its numb get an electric shaver or use cream, as for deodorant a good friend of mine made me some with bicarbonate of soda and peppermint oil look up making pit paste on Utube it tells you how to do it, it has worked a treat and all natural! i had a drain for about a week but it was fine and didn’t hurt at all when it came out so don’t worry! Hope all goes well for you xxxxxx