Not Coping v Coping

Hi Sandra,
What valuable comments in your last post. Sometimes we do get caught up in our own lives and horrors, but a little time on this site does bring it home that none of us are alone nor ever need be.
Thank you to all the people who have supported me since I first ventured here a month ago.
Good luck,smile when you can or even when you can’t
Sue xx

sandra I can really understand how the high number of nodes infected is playing on your mind. That is the scariest part I think. My CT scan was clear and when I got those results the relief I felt was incredible so the sooner your get the results from your scans the better and fingers crossed for you on that - you will feel a whole lot better then. good luck with all your results and hopefully by the weekend you will know exactly what is going to happen and when. xx

Tilly - that is just horrible luck, I am so sorry you have to go through it all again. I don’t know what’s worse with treatment - the anxiety about the unknown, or knowing full well what you’ve got ahead of you. You must feel terribly down. But you know you got through it before, and you will again - you’ll find the strength somehow. Sending you major hugs xx

Hi Sandra,
Good luck with your appointment today. Thinking about you.
Love Maria

Thank you Maria, are these appointments not the worst ever…
trying to keep myself busy this morning, just spoke to one of my ‘boys’ that always makes me happy!! going for a walk with the dogs in a moment, then up to see my mum, then just keep busy, busy busy, until the dreaded 2.20pm comes, anything like it usually is there will be a long wait! never seem to get in on time, first time l went he was 3 hours behind!! my 3.30 appoint. turned out to be 6.30 and there were still people after me!! obviously a popular man!
Sandra xxx

good luck for this afternoon sandra be thinking of you…x

Hi Sandra,
Just wanted to pop in and say good luck for this afternoon, sounds like my consultant I had 3.30 appointment and not seen till 5.40!! Fingers crosse dthat you will be seen quickly and get the answers you want. I’m back for my results tomorrow :-{}
Hugs Sue xx

Thinking of you Sandra and trusting you will hear what you want to hear…
These times are just the worst!
Good luck to you from Welsh girl

Good luck

Best wishes for this aftetrnoon

Thank you for your support, sadly it was not to be, new post -
2 lumpectomies now mx. Anyone help please!
so very sad at the moment
Sandra x

Sorry to hear your news

Hi Sandra,
Am so sorry to hear that your results were not as you had hoped, Big,Big Hugs to you ,i hope all gos well with your Ct scan tomorrow , and will be keeping everything crossed for you for next tuesday .
Best Wishes
Linda x

Hi Sandra,

I’ve just seen your sad news and am so very sorry to hear that you’re having to face this. I’ve been reading your new thread and can see that you’ve been working your way through the shock and are now asking lots of questions to prepare yourself for the next stage. I can’t provide you with any answers to those questions, so just wanted to say that I’m most admiring of how far and how fast you’ve traveled from struggling to cope to facing your situation head on.

Lots of luck and love for the next stage of your journey.

Debs x

Hi Sandra

As well as the support you are receiving from the other forums users you may find the BCC booklet ‘Your operation and recovery’ useful.
This booklet explains what to expect before, during and after surgery and includes information on recovery times. If you would like a copy just follow this link:-*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/100/

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thank you ladies, for your support,
Linda, Yes CT scan, why does the word ‘scan’ frighten the life out of me! Trying really hard to be upbeat, struggling a lot of the time.

Debs Thank you for your words, everyone of them is very valued, Not sure l am coping as l seem! but l do try and face things head on! As someone said to me (on this site) don’t beat yourself up, you have been hit by a big truck! And sometimes l feel as though l can’t get up, every bit of bad news l get, knocks me further down, even the surgeon said you have had nothing but bad news!! wanted to say, “well Mr ****** you are the one doing the op, so get it right” but bless him he is trying really hard, and tried to save my breast, but as l said to him at my age (63) do l care? NO! just want to be a survivor!
Love to all
Sandra xxx