Not even sure its a lump now

send big kisses to your daughter pls Marilyn and let us know how she gets on.
everything crossed for her

Thanks - will do

Marilyn x

Claudia! I can’t believe these, normally, lovely caring ladies have been slapping you just because you asked them to!

Have a hug! And jibber as much as you like, hon.

In all seriousness, I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending loads of positive vibes to you.

beano x

huge positive hyber vibes coming your way tomorrow. Let us know how you get on.
xx Vanessa

Good luck for tomorrow claudia, fingers and legs crossed all is well.

claire x

hi claudia,
sending poss vibes, you must get gd news we are on a roll so hang with it, and dont get too upset tonite gal, this time tomorow it will all be done, i pray its a cyst and that all will be well

we are here everystep of the way

love and hugs

Hi Claudia

I will be thinking of you tomorrow, please let us know how you go on.

Take care


HIya Claudia

some bucketfuls for you too, good luck tomorrow

Love Danni xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Claudia

I just wanted to wish you good luck for today.

I haven’t posted before as I feel I am the opposite of all the other ladies here (I’m just weird…), my lump started like a pea, that one day I could feel the next not. I convinced myself it was in my head, then about 4 months later you could see it through the skin like Kelly described, it then grew rapidly until it reached 3.5cm. It also met the description of a cyst being roundish and my GP was adamant that it was movable. This is the bit where I am different to all the sensible ladies on here… I was absolutely convinced until my day of diagnosis, that it was nothing to worry about and I can honestly say that not at one point did I worry or even think the worst - to be honest I felt the NHS (my employer as I am a nurse) was just throwing away money that I worked hard, long hours for! In fact I nearly didn’t bother going back after the first mammo & USS! I was 40 at diagnosis.

Anyway enough boring talk, jolly Good Luck today.

Lynn x

well girls, today is d-day…aaaagggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! 2hrs to go. Thanks for all your kind words
was actually rather chilled last night, didn’t even need that big bottle of wine wither, and im strangely relaxed this morning too. Have decided that if its the big BC, i shall stick two fingers up to it and tell em to bring it on!!! If its not, i shall be fund raising like an ant on prozac!!! Larry Patrick the Parastic Lump (to give him his full title) has shrunk again this morning and is wobbling around when i try to chase him - maybe hes just fed up of being prodded now and is trying to keep out of my way!
Anyway, will let you know how i get on - either way i’ll be in the pub!