Bad news at clinic today…both tumours in lungs have grown by about 20-30%.!! Capecitabine hasnt worked. I feel desolate. Only been on it 4 months. Will be starting docetaxel next week highest dose…which means district nurse has to come the day after each one to inject me to boost bone marrow into producing white blood cells. Told me i wont be very well on it…i just feel like crying. Im sure this will be my last xmas. … …
Oh Bev im so sorry don’t blame you for wanting to cry. Let it out then pick yourself back up. It will not be your last! I have these injections they can make you feel a little unwell at first but second time wasn’t so bad. Sending you lots of love and big hugs xxxx
Bev - I’m really sorry to hear your news as well. No wonder you feel desolate and like crying. The only thing I can say is that I found Docetaxel much easier than FEC. I had the blood cell boosters too. I was able to be much more active on Docetaxel and I didn’t have any nausea or vomiting with it, unlike FEC. My mother gave me the first injection but after than I did them myself - you just pinch the skin on your tummy and the needle is really quite painless. I would suggest you get the District Nurse to do it for you first to show you what to do as the instruction leaflet doesn’t make it clear exactly what to do.
Wait to see how you get on with it as we all react differently. I was told my latest chemo wouldn’t make me sick or make my hair fall out - but it’s done both. Also, just because one treatment doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean this one won’t.
Warm wishes and hugs.
Oh bev,I’m so sorry about your news xxxxxxxxx this WILL NOT be your last Christmas so please don’t think that.
This chemo will kick the #s to hell and back.
Massive hugs coming your way lovely lady,stay strong ,Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you desi and flo…yes my onc said the district nurse will come each time and give me the injection. I had it when i was on fec 9 years ago for the last 3 doses. Its so hard now to look on the bright side. Xx
Dear Bev
I am sorry to read your news, don’t forget our helpliners are here to help you during this difficult time so please feel free to call
0808 800 6000 9-5 weekdays 10-2 Saturdays
Take care
Lucy BCC
Thanks helen. …i just feel that everyones having good results from cape but not me. I always seem to have bad news each time i go for results. I never seem to come out of there with a smile on my face ?
Bev I’m really sorry to hear your news. I think, from reading of other’s experiences over the years Capecitabine either works well or hardly at all, I know many people who have found it didn’t work for them. They went on to have much more success with other chemo. Your new chemo is different again in every way and I hope this will be the right one to knock the mets back hard, while being as kind as possible to you. Good Luck, you will have so many here wishing you well.x
Bev - so sorry you’ve had rubbish news… may I echo Belinda’s comment, some chemos don’t work for some people. I think many people whose mets didn’t respond to Cape do well on docetaxel, and definitely vice versa (my oncs wouldn’t give me docetaxel).
Do allow yourself to accept help (where appropriate) over Christmas etc.
((hug)) if I may.
Thanks for your lovely kind words…so encouraging and i need that at the moment! I dont think that 3 months was very long before the cape stopped working.
If the next one doesnt last long either how long will i have??? There cant be many more options…so scary xx
Thank you belinda and mrs blue…you certainly can give me a hug…please! Im still so tearful. Cant really take it in. I felt sure the cape was working. ?
My children are so upset again now too. I hate hate hate what its doing to them x
Bev, so very sorry to hear your news.
I can only echo what the others have said & hope that the next chemo gives good results.
A big hug,
Is anyone else on docetaxel or been on it that can advise on side effects and whether it worked where other chemos failed? xxx
((((((((Bev)))))))), oh this has made me cry. I’m so sorry at this awful news. I so wanted the Cape to work for you but I also know ladies where it hasn’t. Thank goodness your hospital scans to check so it has been picked up already. Some hospitals wait a few more months so that is a positive. Let the tears come now and get as much rest as possible - allow yourself to accept this latest setback in your own time. However, you have a new treatment plan and that is going to work. Docetaxol was awful for me but boy did it knock the uggers into outer space. The success rate is much higher with this. It can be difficult but once you have got over this little hiccup you will be able to manage it Bev. You need a few days though so don’t be hard on yourself. Your family are there for you too - they will help you and you must let them on days when you don’t feel so well. I kept going on this chemo because I visualised it killing the Cancer - that kept me going.
Look after yourself Bev - we are all here holding your hand xxxxxxx
Thank you so much chocolates and porky. I’m just praying this one will work…i dont care how awful it may make me feel…i just want to get through it and see a future of sorts…it does sound as though this could be more effective.
I feel drained…will take a sleeping tab soon and go to bed xxx
Thank you Gillg. I hope i can tolerate it just as well. Ive been reading about the side effects and the Onc told me i could be quite poorly. Im dreading it. Are you due a scan soon to see if its working? How many will you be having? They told me 3 to begin with but if its seen to be working…may give me another 3. Xxxxx
Thank you too Emperortooco. Everyone is so lovely on here and keen to give encouragement. I really appreciate it. I feel so lost at the moment. xxxx
Bev i am just catching up on recent posts and am so sorry to hear your news. I dont know anything about the treatment you will have but please dont fear the worst about it…easy for me to say i know. Also this is NOT your last xmas! I can only echo the other ladies in saying there are many other treatment plans out there and what works for one lady doesnt work for another. Please stay positive xxx
Oh Bev so sorry to hear your news, its only natural to be upset and scared,.
Stay strong flower i don’t know anything about the kind of treatment you are having but i know there is lots of different types out there and they will find the right one for you…oh and you will certainly be be here to celebrate christmas!!!
sending you a huge hug love Janette x x
Bev, so sorry to hear your news. We were all “rooting” for you, as the Yanks say. I’m afraid I don’t have anything different to add to what other people have said, but I just want to emphasise that we do have lots more options left, as my Onc.told me. There are many more treatments out there, and more being developed every day. Don’t forget how much money is being given to cancer research. And of COURSE you will have more than this Christmas ahead of you! We all know what it’s like with the bad news, so you go ahead and cry if you want to. Hugs from me, too, and we are all thinking of you. Best wishes, Barton.x