I see my onc a week after each chemo to discuss side effects so he came adjustments. I’m on to weekly taxol next week and he wants to see me either a few days after the first one, or if I’m feeling well and nothing to report then after the second.
I’m going to invest in nice nail polish - it’s good to pamper yourself if nothing else!
Thanks but im defo gonna ask why i dont see my onc. I have an hour to go before going to hospital for 1st tax. Psyching myself up, then a bit of brekkie before all those tabs. When i get home i’ll do my nails, just in case. Will report how i get on.
Morning, after yet another broken nights sleep due to the weather and me just not being tired, think I’ve got into the pattern of going to bed at stupid o’clock, the district nurse turned up at 9.15 this morning to flush my PICC. Luckily I had set alarm for 9 just in case, but not had chance to do anything. Had not washed up yesterday, dust building up after chemo week, teeth not cleaned, 1 boobed and friar tuck not brushed. How slovenly have I become. Hey Ho am sure she has seen worse. Suppose there is no excuse now and at least I can get out today and do something, much better than last week and the 4.15pm visit. I just wish I could have a slot, so I knew where i was. I know I have mentioned this before but it’s not like I’m a little old lady with nothing else to do. I want/need to make the most of my days.
Chemo done, now we wait!!! They never said anything about nails, just that some folk get tingling at end of fingers!!! I have 8 days worth of injections waiting for dn to come starting wed. I’ll let you know how it goes. Eyes feel gritty like ive been staring at tv all day, & tastebuds gone already but i’m use to that.
Well done Rookie for getting through this! Tingling thing sounds odd. I get tingling in my operated wide arm but not the other. Someone on October thread talked about it too. Just keep am eye fir lymphoedema.
What are the injections? Sounds nadty for needle phobes out there.
I hope you don’t all mind me posting here. Looking for advice or reassurance for my mum who was diagnosed with grade 3, invasive ductal cancer in November 2014. Upon inital biopsy they identified a swollen lymph node so she had a FNA which showed spread to lymph nodes. She started chemo v beginning of December.
FEC-T prior to surgery due to size of tumour (4cm) and lymph node involvement. She started wth constipation about 6 days in, followed by feeling wiped out, followed by neutropenic sepsis which was a chest infection. She has COPD so is more vulnerable. This saw her in hospital for 9 nights. Her second chemo was delayed by two weeks and she had it on January 6th (8days ago). This time they have her a reduced dose of 80% as she still had yellow sputum so possible infection. She was also given antibiotic prophylaxis and the g-csf injections to take home.
On Friday - 4 days post chemo she began with constipation again. On Saturday she started with abdominal pains, presumably from constipation, then later on she had g-csf injection into her stomach. After that she was in a lot of pain in abdomen - very tender she says. It was v bloated also. She also devolved shoulder ache/pain. We went to the hospital on Sunday, on their advice, and she had an xray. It showed nothing other than constipation. She was let home with tramadol, lactulose (stool softener), suppositories and the laxative powder. She has been taking a combination of the above by has still not managed to go to the toilet (the last time was thursday and xray was Sunday). They said the shoulder aches were due to g-csf.
Has anyone experienced constipation/abdominal discomfort that’s really bad following fec-t? I did wonder if anti-sickness meds could be to blame also?
Wondering if we need to return to hospital today so may need to give them a call. My Mum is concerned about too many problems in case they decide to stop the chemo (registrar mentioned this after her 9 nights in hospital as his reason for reducing dose).
Thanks in advance for any advice or info you can give me.
Hi daisy, its not uncommon. Ive suffered with constipation & had to take lactulose. It took a couple of days to kick in,& thankfully it certsinly did. It went the other way like diarroehea!! Sorry to be so graphic but boy did i feel so much better after. Sounds like your mum if having a rough time but hopefully if she can get through this all will be good. I have seen an advert on tv for the midwives & am loving a quote one girl says & its " One simply has to dust off your brave face and crack on" its said in a war time plummy accent & i think its fabulous. Im keeping it as my mentor.
So even tho we all feel yuk we must dust off our brave face & crack on lol
Sorry its hit you, sounds bad. Im on day 2 & all good so im trying to get as much done today as poss. Plus ive no idea what time dn will come tomoz to give injection. Bathrooms cleaned toan inch of its life & ironing done. Shopping next, bet i need a rest after but that will come soon enough.
Sue that sounds horrible but follows the effects posted by the October girls. Hope it passes soon.
Rookie, don’t wear yourself out, it’s odd that t seems to kick in gate a few days whereas FEC is immediate.
Daisy, hello again! I’m sure my constipation was from the antisickness meds as it got bad when they were increased. Hopefully you rang the help line and they gave you advice ?
Haven’t posted for a while.Had my 3rd fec last weds and felt awful.so tired and had pain across my back and neck and head about 3 days after along with hot flushes.saw my district nurse yesterday and she said next time I must call the ward.It all felt so unreal.feeling better finally today,just the usual shrinking gums and thrush in my mouth and yukky taste.
My real problem though,I know it sounds silly,is the absolute nausea I feel now when I even overhear someone say chemo or fec.I am actually starting to feel sick as I type,I have had to stop reading hear as just the thought of the topic makes me queasy.It started a couple of days before my las chemo and I cannot shake it.I feel stupid going to drs but I tell everyone please can we not discuss it or ask me how is treatment.Anxiety or phobia, anyone else?
Hi picklepants, sounds bit of both- anxiety & phobia. Never had nausea at all thru fec & touch wood this tax. Tiredness was big time by 3rd fec i had to stop work. At the moment i have energy & im making the most of it so to all going thru this Have hope. I know we all react diff but we have to have hope it all wont be **bleep** !!!
Thanks all that replied. So useful to be able to share info as it’s worrying what’s ‘normal’ and what isn’t. Does the tiredness/lethargy get worse with each subsequent session? It’s hard to say with my mum as she had resp infection 1st time, debilitating abdominal pains/constipation this time so unsure how much of lethargy is due to actual FEC.
She’s feeling movement/gurgling in Her bowels today so hoping things are moving along.
Apologises seems as though there have been a few posts today my computer didn’t load prior to previous post. Can’t possibly comment on everything but here are some musings.
Picklepants I was talking about the pre chemo feeling today your not on your own it starts for me the night before start feeling anxious don’t sleep well then as soon as I wake up the nauseous feeling starts
Daisy go get mum some glycerine suppositories, buy really cheap off shelf in supermarket or at chemists. Makes what’s there softer therefore easier to pass.
I need movicol/laxido week 1 post chemo. Tiredness (really mean complete exhaustion) has increased each cycle for me but again only seems to affect me in week 1.
Waveylocks sleeping was fine, borrowed a V pillow but never used it. Didn’t sleep on surgery side immediately post op due to soreness drain etc.
Good to hear you’re coping, good hints & tips for when we get to it ourself. Not sure what i have to have, theyre trying to shrink it to be as little as poss so maybe a bit of surgery rather than mastectomy. I only have little boobs anyway, think theyre trying to preserve what ive got!!! I am so fed up with nightsweats, some days its a little sweat other nights its like an explosion & im dripping. Its gross getting back into damp bedding, sleeping on a towel i have to put there to get thru the night. Cant keep waking hubby cos my side is wet. Any one got any tips on coping with it?
Wandering how long im gonna be housebound waiting for nurse to come to give injection.
I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. My chemo is FEC-T my first one started on the 27th November 2014. My first T will be on the 29th January quite scared as the FEC side effects was bad enough.
Rookie and Wavylocks I had a masectomy too back in September. Can’t understand why they didn’t do my chemo first as I had two tumours one was 8x7cm the other 2cm and 26 lymph nodes affected so would have thought they’d have wanted to shrink it first to save as much boob as possible. But can’t turn the clicks back.
The masectomy and recovery were fine compared to FEC! Frustrating not being able to drive and had a bag with drains for a week. I took a little cushion with me to hospital to help support me sleeping and to up under the car seatbelt. I still use it at night.
Mine is left side and I started driving after 3 weeks - found fifth hear tricky but fine for pootling!
Rookie I spoke to oncologist about night sweats and he suggested evening primrose which I’ve started and acupuncture which I’ve got tomorrow. I’ll report back! Aldo suggested a fan and a ‘chillow’ which I’ve not done anything about.
Hi, im seeing onc nxt week, 1st time since the very beginning of sessions!!! Ive been taking evening primrose for 15 yrs so thats not helping, hope onc can suggest something else to break the cycle. If acupuncture works let us know, ill try anything. Night sweats are so miserable…