I am new to this site so hope I am doing this right. I have just finished 31 radiation treatments and I should be estactic right? Why do I feel alone and scared? Is this normal? Does anyone else have these types of feelings after their treatment is through? Please help.
I think your reaction is very normal- I certainly felt very much like you when my rads finished in Feb this year. I had been attending hospital for over 8 months and like you,very intensively at the end, with the rads. Then quite suddenly you are cast out into the community - in my case with no follow-up appointment for 8 months and no oncologist appointment for a year and 8 months.
Prior to diagnosis I had had no experience of illness at all and really resented the way that BC & the NHS had taken over my life( you know you should be grateful- but I’m afraid I couldn’t always see it that way!)- so it seems ironic that I should ‘miss’ going to the hospital.
I think it is mostly because we feel that while we are being seen and treated we are ‘safe’ and once active treatment finishes we are out on our own. Also other people now regard us as OK and much of the support and interest that we have been shown gradually ( and inevitably ) recedes. I remember a friend commenting on this years ago when her BC diagnosis was 5 years behind her; she said everyone assumed that she was ‘cured’ and she sometimes felt hurt that it wasn’t recognised that she was still ‘living with cancer’. I’m afraid I was probably like that myself before I too was diagnosed.
I’m sure you will gradually gain in confidence and find that there is lots of fun in life beyond BC- it is l a big help if you have an understanding partner or close friends- if not there are lots of people in these forums to help and encourage you.
I hope the moderators will allow the link below - it’s an article by Dr Peter Harvey on dealing with the emotional fallout from a cancer diagnosis. It’s a lot of information, but well worth reading.
Hi malawton
As well as the information and the support you are receiving from the other forum users you may find it helps to talk through how you are feeling with one of the trained members of staff on the BCC helpline. It is normal to experience many different emotions and some times just sharing your feelings and concerns with somone can help.
The number to call is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 2pm.
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)