Oh dear - immune system doesn't fight cancer - article

Hi lemongrove,
It interesting about milk and flaxseeds I am also trying to change diet and have added flaxseed ground to cereal. I also remember reading somewhere about raw milk but after a conversation with the local farmers wife who informed me that farmers are not allowed to sell milk direct to public or milk that is not pasturised. So my question to you is where are you getting your raw milk??

farmers are allowed to sell direct to the public, they cannot sell through shops. i get mine online. to offset the delivery charge i buy a whole weeks worth, it keeps fresh longer than a week.

here is the link


Hello Sarahlouise,
I’m providing a link (below) to a site that has a list of retailers, who sell raw organic milk - they cover most of the UK.
I live in mid-sussex, and am lucky enough to have two farm shops within 2 miles of where I live. A number of people in the next village got together and purchased a farm from a Charity, and then set up a cooperative - so they are very committed to producing wholesome, natural food.

Thanks for the link Lemongrove it is really good just the place to find suppliers, thanks again.

hi everyone, i’m newly diagnosed with op in september and noticed threads about phytoestrogens. i started taking menopace about 12 months ago(on and off)to maintain oestrogen levels through menopause which hadnt actually started back then. I dont have ER result yet but if positive i wonder if the extra oestrogen may have been influential in the formation of lump 4 months ago

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June, moderator

Interesting point about immune systems and cancer (related to melanoma) extracted from Independent article mentioned in the BCC news item today about proteins and BC as well as this new treatment for melanoma.

"Ipilimumab (brand name Yervoy) is the first new treatment for advanced melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, since the 1970s. There are more than 10,000 cases of melanoma a year and 2,000 deaths.

Ipilimumab boosts the immune system and has been shown in trials to extend the lives of patients with metastatic melanoma (which has spread to other organs) by about ten months. In a trial, 46 per cent of patients were still alive at one year compared with 25 per cent prescribed a different treatment. "

Thanks Francis, have just looked it up, and it’s very interesting. One of the reasons the immune system doesn’t recognise cancer is that cancer manipulates the immune system, swithching off the killer cells, and this drug blocks the way the cancer does it.
The brilliant chappy who is in charge of my treatment is leading research into the way that cancer manipulates micro rna to spread around the system, and they seem to be making progress. Once the scientists figure out how to make the immune system recognise cancer the game will be over (don’t think we will achieve this by eating flax, or cutting out milk though ).