Oldham area meet up

Hi everyone,

A few of us are trying to get together to meet up. It’s because those Geordie lasses on the north east thread seem like they are having all the fun on their meet ups! Would anyone out there be interested? Oldham address not a pre-requsite, though ability to take the p:ss and eat cake are likely to be very useful qualities.


Hi Tors,
I am an Oldham lass although I live in London now so won’t be able to join you in person but perhaps I could be with you in spirit? All the best; I hope you get lots of replies.

i live in whitefield and having treatment in oldham, would love to meet up but must warn you all that i am not the chirpiest of people with going through all this stuff and divorce at the same time!

Am sure we have discussed this before and decided that as long as you can eat cake or encourage others to eat cake, then you will fit right in!

Jojo, thanks for your spirit! Hello to London from chilly saddleworth.

Ps billia, how’s the rads going at the swanky new Oldham christie?

rads is fab its a pleasure to go there everyone is so friendly, though this morning i had to cancel physio as i have been in bed all weekend with heavy legs and shooting pains - similar to ones had after allergic reaction to tax so i could not get up so early changed my radio app to later too.
hope to meet up with you soon

ps i am certainly up for eating lots of cake! Have a big tummy to fill eaten so much with the chemo and put on 1 stone

I echo what JoJo 11 has said , from Oldham area now living in South( well someone has to)so will be there in spirit, pity as am better at taking the whatsit than I am at eating cake lol.Hope you have loads of fun. Love Jackie

Vickie, will there be room for all of us, we’ll be taking the place over! (not a bad thing). I’ve always got room for cake and am able to do the other thing.


I’m Manchester but can get to Oldham, being treated for a reccurence at the moment and LOVE CAKE! Pls let me know the details. x

Hi everyone,

Meeting this Friday at eleven . Newbank garden centre in royton, in the cafe as they do nice cake! It’s just 5 mins or so further past the hospital as some ladies are having radiotherapy at hospital so mAkes it easier! I am sure in future we could meet in other places if it goes well. Would love to meet you poppet. I am sure we will all spot the group of ladies with scarves, hats, wigs and baldy heads!


Hi everyone

I live in Greetland, Halifax and would love to meet up with you ladies but I am having my rads at the mo in Leeds around lunchtime so I can’t make this Friday. I will follow this thread though and hopefully meet up with you all next time.

I love cake too so enjoy for me.

Amanda xx

Hi Everyone
I live in Royton so would love to meet you all but this Friday I am at Christies having my line put in. I love cake and anything else sweet and the cafe at the garden centre is great.
Will definately meet up next time.
Have fun

Shirley x

Hi Tors

Have put it in my diary and will be there this Friday at 11.00. Although do have hair now!

Hopefully I’ll be there, still recovering from my 1st chemo last week but fingers crossed will be well enough Friday.

Look forward to meeting you all then.

Claire x

told you, vickie, you might have to book the whole cafe!

Not booking, if it looks full I will just take my hat off, pretend to be on my mobile phone, sob wildly and intersperse it with screaming " I don’t want to die" then comment about the latest research proving that bc can be caught by coughing and sneezing, then I will get my hanky out and carry out the aforementioned coughing and sneezing. There’ll probably be more thsn enough room for us after that, though possibly we will find it tricky to get anyone to serve us!

Claire, hope you are well enough on Friday, looking forward to meeting you.

I will try and get there a bit early and what zbout if I take my bcc pack to pop on the table so people will recognise us? That’s if the sobbing bald sneezing woman isn’t enough of a visual clue of course!

Vickie, that should clear the whole building!

See you there, scarf and all…