After having a mastectomy from having grade 3 stage 2 16mm tumour, I was then told that I may not need chemo because of oncatype testing. This has come back with a score of 17, 1 below the intermediate grade which may warrant chemo. I have been recommended not to today, however after watching my father die from bone cancer last year, and given I am 38, I would prefer to have anything that would even increase my chances of not having having a relapse by 0.1%. Is there anyone out there that has been in a similar borderline situation that can help with my mental battle on this? I feel I should speak again to the marsden tomorrow to tell them my fears and ask for chemo?? Sarah xx
I am sorry to hear about your father. It sounds like you have had a very difficult few years.
My Oncotype DX score was 16 and my oncologist was very firmly of the view that I should not have chemotherapy. Their view was that the risk of chemotherapy side effects outweighed any benefits that I would receive. They also said that they would not have recommended chemotherapy even if I had received an intermediate score (18-31). However, the test is only one of a number of factors that your oncologist will consider before recommending treatment and what is right for one person would be wrong for another. My cancer was stage 1a and Grade 2.
Your oncologist is really the only person that can advise you properly (rather than some random person on the Internet !). I hope that you have been back to talk to them and that you are reassured. You could also ask them to take you through your Oncotype report in detail if you have not done so already.
Sorry if this is all very obvious but I did not want your post to go unanswered.
I am sending you every good wish for whatever course of treatment you decide to take.
Best wishes.
Hi I have just been looking around the forum, I had the oncotype DX test and came back at 24, low intermediate, my consultant could not advise either way, but I chose to have the chemo, but after one session, I have decided to stop, I had horrible time with chemo, getting a cough & cold 5 days back into hospital with high temperature on antibiotics, which now 3 weeks later I am still suffeirng with as my immune system is down. the decision to stop was not easy, but with the support of my family, and now my consultant who is supportive of my decision, but I am happy with my decision, I believe I have thrown everything at it, and the pharmacist said that even the one chemo would have done some good, on the down side I have lost my hair, which I had not expected to go in the first session. It is a tough decision, but the % gain of recurrence is very low, and as I had lumpectomy and two lympth nodes removed and these were all clear, this test was only licensed by NICE last September, so this time last year we would not have had the test so would just be radiotherapy. I am now 3 weeks after 1st chemo and still recovering, but feeling a whole lot better, except losing hair is so hard to come to terms with. I will now have course of radiotherapy in about 3/4 weeks time, Good luck with your decision making. D
Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to reply. I am now on ovarian suppression injections monthly and feeling happy with my decision. Due to go back to work in a month and quite daunted by the fact!! Counselling is working a treat though so should be back soon! I hope all is well with you. Sarah xx
Hi! Sorry it’s taken so long to reply! Many a mental battle and lots of low moments. However, much better these days and on ovarian suppression injections for the next 5 years which so far is so good. I hope you are well xx Sarah xz