Oncotype DX test

Have just been offered this test by my lovely consultant. Had mastectomy with reconstruction 3 weeks ago. I’ve been told I’ve got to go on Tamoxifen but have been told that chemo would not be particularly beneficial but if I felt very strongly pro chemo then could have it.Now having this test first before making any decisions.Have Googled the test and it does sound very positive but wondered if anybody had experience of it and how it affected their treatment.

Hi Chicken Girl,
Slightly surprised you haven’t had any replies so here goes.
There was a posting thread about this last year, here is the link


There have probably been other threads about it, will do a search after posting this.

I was offered it last year (Sussex) but it wasn’t going to make any difference to the decisions at the time, so decided to keep the for a holiday instead. It is particularly relevant for women who are post menopausal and are oestrogen responsive, as I understand it.
I was not ER positive, and wanted chemo, hence my personal decision.

Well, how much time do you have on your hands, Chicken Girl?!


Comments started appearing 2006 then 2008 by the look of it. Some people have definitely used it as recommended to decide whether or not chemo worthwhile. It is more difficult to say if you are younger than the age group the original study was about, but UK oncologists obviously think about it and use it, and there maybe more up to date info available from the Helpline, or your oncologist.
Good Luck with it, please come back and tell us about it if you decide to go with it.

Sorry CG missed this post.
I’m having this test done, though my BC is bilateral and its not really designed for this. I felt I was just slightly in that grey area of chemo/not, although it wasn’t being offered. I had first side tested as that was ‘worst prognosis’ and if it had come back high risk of recurrence I’d have been back knowing on onc’s door saying chemo please. But it came back low, so now I am having other side tested and waiting for results. Fingers and toes all crossed for another low result. Its used much more in the states, but I think there’s a study (in Wales perhaps?) being done at the moment I think to test it for cost effectiveness in UK.

Do let us know how it goes.


Sorry I missed your post too…I was away seeing family.
I had this test done last Dec
Invasive Lob 4.9cm, no lymph involvement, mx and recon, hormone positive, Tamoxifen, 51 but very much pre menopausal
My onco dx result came at 22. He said chemo would increase my chances of non recurrence by 1 maybe 2% . Both he and my breast surgeon felt no chemo was the way to go and I was happy to be guided by them
Also my med insurance paid for the test which was great
If you need any more info… just ask and I’ll try to answer
All the best E