Oncotype test results - how did you decide?

Hi all. I have just got back from my hospital appointment after my lumpectomy, all the cancer has been got.  I have just read through the thread. The surgeon just mentioned oncotype testing to me. Chemo hasnt been mentioned to this point,  I am now having a panic.  She did say everything points towards not needing it (no lymph node involvement, not her2) but I could if I want.  So I have been merrily bimbling along thinking surgery,  radiotherapy,  and meds, but now possible chemo too (which like others was the thing I really dreaded from the start). Feeling a bit deflated after what should have been a positive appointment

Hi everyone been really useful reading your stuff post lumpectomy 3 weeks so went back for results and follow up treatment …chemo has been mentioned all along but only as a maybe…I’ve now been told I have to go through chemo with herceptin I’m feeling very down it has been described as preventative chemo I’m just very scared. … I have been very cagey about who I’ve told and obviously up until now no one would know …trying to get all this stuff is hard but thanks girls at least I don’t feel like I’m going through this alone xxxx