One week into Anastrazole

Hi girls…I’m wondering if I can join you as I’ve just started Anastrazole. My head is all over the place as I was supposed to start chemo on 28th May so all geared up with meds, wigs, scarves etc etc. I had agreed to take part in the optima trial (a genetic predictive test for people borderline with chemo) and my results weren’t back when I went in for treatment so it got delayed till last Friday. It was horrible as all psyched up to start and then…they phoned me on wednesday and told me I had been randomly placed in the non chemo group…YIPEE!!! I couldn’t believe it, I still can’t. Instead I’ve started this drug and feel like any side effects CANNOT be as bad as I was expecting from chemo. So, 2 days in and nothing so far, but suppose it’s a bit early.
Like some of you I am starting radiotherapy at the same time as soon as they can set it up. Probably in about 4 weeks. My onc says its fine to have both at once. My son is getting married next week so I will be able to enjoy the wedding now. Life is good. I believe if the side effects from this are bad you can be put on a progesterone drug which helps…I read that some where, may be worth asking about, south coast ggirl. Lets hope the sun comes back out!!!
jane xx

Jan, I had chemo and now waiting to start Anastrazole. Reading through the possible side effects to that, I’m more worried about them than I was about the chemo side effects. Which, although not fun, weren’t as bad as I expected. I can’t have a progestrogen drug as my tumour was 100% ER positive and 75% PR positive.
Good luck for your son’s wedding.

Poemsgalore xx

I had letrozole before my surgery to shrink the cancer (and it worked beautifully), carried on with letrozole for 18 months then had ‘brain fuddle’ as well as menopause s/e’s. I was changed to anastrozole, been on it for nearly 2 years, s/e much less apart from achey joints sometimes, hot flushes minimal - more a bit of a glow now and again - so it seems to suit me. I have got a bit of bone thinning so may go onto bisphosphonates soon just to ward off the osteoporosis. I take the pill at bedtime. I think our reactions to this class of drugs is varied and personal, so perhaps it’s just take the pills and see what happens, you can have them changed.
And yes they do work - they knock out the oestrogen that makes ER+ve cancer cells grow…
Hope this helps

I was on Letrozole first but had horrible SE’s (mainly severe backache) since I have been changed to Anastrozole my SE’s are minimal and I feel really great at the moment (touch wood)! I have written about this on another Hormone Therapy thread, and basically if your symptoms are really bad then speak to your surgeon (via your Breastcare Nurse) and they can consider a change of tablet. Don’t suffer in silence but equally don’t stop taking them altogether as recommended by Grumpy - they do work!!!


Oh dear just read this back - I meant that Grumpy was recommending that you TAKE them not stop! The difference a comma can make!
Sorry for any confusion!

Hi poemsgalore - sure the side effects of this CANNOT be as bad as chemo, so you will be fine. think I’ve seen you on the chemo thread. Is everyone else Ok? I had a bit of a weepy earlier but not sure if hormones or just shock at not having chemo. My family think im going crazy (probably am, who wouldnt?) Also, got new boob prosthesis today - surprised at how comfy and real looking it is. Hey ho, life gets better!!!
hope this rain gets lost before sons wedding next wweek
jane xx

Hi Jan, most of the February Valentines have completed their chemo now, in the car park so to speak. Some have just had their final one so are still having SEs. I’m 21 days after my final one, and I’m feeling fine. Several had to delay their first session for various reasons, so still have a way to go yet.
I hope you are feeling a little less weepy today.
When my son got married in 2011, it rained most of the time we were in the wedding venue but the sun came out just in time for us to get some great photos.
PG xxx

Hi everyone, just read your blogs on the Anastrozole thought I would let you know how it has been for me as i have been on it for three months.
Definate increase in hot flushes as I was having them before I was diagnosed in December. I have arthritis anyway and take a small amount of an anti-inflammatory on prescription so that takes edge off pain. As some of you have said it is the getting going bit in the mornings which is noticeable. Once I get the first hour over I am ok. What I have noticed and would be interested see hear if any of you are experiencing this is, i seem to be more absent minded and it has become annoying as I forget simple things and my hubby says he has noticed I am less on the mark than I used to be!. I wondered if it I’d a side effect or just the last six months ordeal catching up with me!. Katy

I’ve been reading all these posts to see if anyone can offer their experience on long term anastrozole but find I’m now more interested in offering my take on it.
I’ve been on anastrozole for 7 months and had radiotherapy over Christmas. I actually found the radotherapy okay. I didn’t have chemo and I also had a good support network at home so basically felt happy. I think, as someone said, the rollercoaster of the whole deal leaves us with a certain amount of post-traumatic stress which can wipe some of us out for a while - and not necessarily be the rads or anastrozole. Having said that, fatigue is not an unusual side effect of radiotherapy for some.
As for anastrozole - I’m 65, and I understand it is the preferred choice for post menopausal women despite joint pains etc etc, for whatever reason. I already had slightly thinning bones - hence HRT for 7 years. I came off that immediately following diagnosis , so in a way, anastrozole being the opposite to HRT, it was a bit of a body shock. Hot flushes, aching joints, loss of libido - and yet, bizarrely, something felt better. Still does, though I don’t quite understand that.

Anyway, for those newly on this oestrogen blocker, I can only speak for myself and I feel good and healthy - despite a cranky knee and hip and feigning sexual pleasure! My DH and I are closer than ever, but the loss of libido does make me pretend to share more pleasure than is truly there, but I love him and the intimacy is lovely and hey - I still get there once in a blue moon! On the whole though, things have settled, life is great and I’m much the same as I was this time last year. Lots of energy, ideas, humour, love and laughter.

The reason I logged into this site was to see if longer term my knee and hip was going to improve or get worse as walking is huge pleasure past-time of ours. I still tread the miles but when I stop I’m like an old woman! I figure I may go see my GP and see what he says. I’m due for another dexa scan too, so that’ll be interesting. On the whole though, I would say it gets better, flush-wise, mood-wise and energy-wise,

love Cherry