Ongoing problems due to nerve damage

Ongoing problems due to nerve damage

Ongoing problems due to nerve damage Since experiencing breast cancer 20 years ago I now suffer from a cold,weak,stiff and numb left hand following radiation treatment that has caused nerve damage. This has become worse over the last five years.I find it difficult to hold anything small and even struggle with a knife and fork. It is also very painful if I allow my hand to hang down. My index finger and little finger are the worst. The muscle in in my upper arm and hand occasionally go into spasm too.
I am interested to learn if any one else is experiencing these symptoms and whether they have any advice to give that may alleviate the symptoms.

Further infomation Hi

I am sorry to read that you are having problems with nerve damage, you could contact our Ask the Nurse email service or phone our helpline.
Our experts working in these services should be able to tell you if the symptoms you are experiencing are common and point you towards sources of help.

You can contact the free helpline by phoning 0808 800 6000. This is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm and Saturday, 9am - 2pm.

If you would prefer to correspond by email you can contact our Ask the Nurse email service by going to on the site.

Hope you find this information is of help.

Kind regards.

Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi clueless I have recently been diagnosed with radiation fibrosis. I have horrendous pain in my shoulder and numbness & pins and needles in my hand. It looks likely now that I will have nerve decompression to try and relieve the symptoms.

Sorry, I have no ideas on how to relieve it - I would love to know myself! At least now though you are not on your own.

Best wishes

Nerve damage Hi

I got a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, although before that I have had several lumpectomys, and after reconstruction went wrong, and had severe infection on implants and got them removed, and a further lumpectomy 3 months ago, I have severe nerve damage in both arms and shoulders.

I go to a pain clinic, and get tablets for nerve damage, they are called Lyrca, Pegrogablin, I take these at night and they are good at reducing some of the numbness and sharp constant pain down all of the arms, I sometimes get the pins and needles in my hands, but most of the time it is the numbness, and constant drone of the pain.
Some days I can be fine and do day to day stuff, other days if I hold something in my hand a shooting pain like an electric shock goes up my arm and I have to drop what I am holding this is difficult if it is a cup of tea,!

I often get cramps in my legs at night, and between that and my arms, it is a nightmare to get comfy and sleep.

My pain consultant has referred me to a Pain Management Centre for a 3 week residential course. This is in a lovely part of south wales, so looking forward to this. The course is about making the quality of your life better, and managing the pain better, They dont cure it, but they give you a way forward at controling it before it gets to the I shouldnt have done that extra hour ironing etc, I go there in April and am hoping that it will help me manage it and how to exercise the arms so that it eases the numbness etc,

I also use a hot water bottle on my arms when they are at their worst, it does ease it a lot and is good until I take the tablet at night. The only downside that I have is that I dont want to rely on taking tablets long term, but this might be the case, and they have advised that due to the 8 operations I have had in my breasts over the years I will have permanent nerve damage there,

I havent had cancer, I got my mastectomy because of loads of fibroidenomas and cysts and discharge in nipple…

hope this helps but we are all here for you if you need us.


carol xx

Problems with Nerve Damage Hi There

Sorry to hear you have problems with nerve damage. I had cancer nearly 3 years ago and had lymph nodes removed as well as a lumpectomy. I have severe pain down my right arm and have pins and needles down the same arm. This gives me problems and my GP can only suggest taking painkillers. I take Gabapentin and Dihydrocodiene 3 times per day. It does help although I feel that I have an addiction to the painkillers. Sorry I can’t suggest anything else to alleviate the symptoms but you are not alone in this. At least you have a diagnosis for this, my GP just tells me to grin and bear it. Hope you get well really soon.

regards Liz xx