I was diagnosed with a 14mm lump in my left breast on the 25-08-09 going in as a day patient tomorrow. Terrified to say the least also having blue dye to do a sentinel node biopsy. Anyone know how long op takes and if it is ok to come out same day.
I have just had a lumpectomy ,I had mine on 12th August and I can honestly say it has given me virtually no pain at all.My scar is tiny and very very neat.I was in and out the same day ,but I was very tired.
The SNB may cause some discomfort in your armpit (I didn’t have that this time)
Just think this time tomorrow it’ll be all over!
Good luck,come back and let us know how you get on.
Love n hugs
Thanks Dot that is somewhat reassuring. That is what I keep telling myself this time tomorrow it’ll be over. Will be a long night. Thanks for your comments.
hi shocked - wishing you the best for tomorrow - it’ll soon be over you’ll see. I had the SNB too, and was home by the evening, not too painful afterwards,the scar under the arm uncomfortable as it rubs, but tolerable. Watch out for turquoise wee !
If you’re still awake… !
I had the same op 12 days ago. I went in to theatre at 1.45pm and the first time i remember seeing when I came round was 4.20pm. Then I was back on the ward about 5ish. I stayed in overnight due to having had op in the afternoon, but was back home by about 4 the next day ( only kept waiting as it was a Saturday and all the docs who could sign me off were not at work!)
It is not really painful, just a bit uncomfortable under the armpit.Make sure you do the exercises, they will tell you about them before your op. I started them on the evening after I had come round.
The blue dye does make your wee blue for a day or so, and I still have a blue stain under the nipple. I think that can last quite a while.
Don’t be afraid to ask for something to calm you down if you are anxious or panicking before surgery, and to ask for extra pain relief afterwards if you need it.I was really comfortable after surgery, no pain , sickness or anything.
If, as I suspect, you don’t read this till after your op,I really hope it went ok. Do come back and let us know.Or if you have any questions about how you’re feeling afterwards, I’d be more than happy to compare notes.
Best of luck
Hi Shocked
I had two lumpectomies in June and July - the first an excision biopsy for diagnosis followed by a WLE (re-excision) with SNB with radioactive isotope and blue dye. Unfortunately I had a haematoma after the first surgery and spent the night in hospital - I had a purple boob for two weeks (looked horrendous and about 5 cup sizes larger) but it didn’t hurt drastically and was all removed for the next surgery. It’s now all healed well although a bit dented. The armpit scar is a bit more uncomfortable and lumpy and only just healed. The worst bit was rubbing from my bra. Good tip is to find a comfy non wired bra and wear all the time, including in bed, particularly if you have large breasts - it stops you rolling over in bed and painfully squashing it! The support really helps with any bouncing type pain. I went out and bought loads of cheapo sports bras. None of it was agony, just discomfort and I did exercises from day one and had full arm movement after a week - I don’t notice now and I’m back into my normal wired bras.
Beware turquoise pee and poo from the dye and a blue breast - mine is still slightly blue. Beware also your scar spitting out internal stitches which aren’t dissolving - I’ve pulled out several from both scars - they don’t hurt but delay the healing process - speak to your BCN if in doubt.
Hope it went all right. To be honest, looking back, the surgery was easy in comparison to chemo which I started yesterday.
Good luck
Hope you are feeling ok after your operation! It is sore but if you can watch some nice films to take your mind off it then that helps!.
Washing your hair is a pain, i fretted about this for ages!! Found the best way was: Chair under the bathroom sink, head back and someone washing it for you. You can also tape up a plastic bag over the dressing and be really careful in the shower!!
Keep doing the exercises, you will feel so much better every day that passes!
Hi Sylv, hope your okay after your op. Like Trumpet says do the exercises, they help apparently there is some evidence that the exercises move oxygen around the body and help your scars heel.
Helen I started chemo yesterday too. Hope your SE today aren’t too bad tonight. I’ve got a bit of indigestion, dry mouth and ulcers starting. Having E-CMF.
take care everyone