Ouch! How long?

Back from hospital as and my bilateral mastectomy and temp implants done on weds. I had a sentinel node biopsy done and the 3 nodes they checked wer all clear (thank god!).

I am so swollen and sore and wondered how long it will take for it all to calm down? My tummy has swollen a little too almost like the fluid is collecting there.

So glad to get the surgery out of the way but feel so useless and why is it that suddenly my back is itchy all the time now that I can reach to scratch it myself?!lol

Paula x

Hi - had MX and expansion implant fitted on 28th Jan, in hosp for 5days, been home since - still sore and swollen, although not unbearable, certainly pretty painful. Also - pretty sure I’m developing a seroma, just underneath where drain was removed.

Hope you feel better soon.


Oh no Lynn, that’s all you need! I hope it goes down.

I have noticed bruise like marks on my tummy and it’s tender, although they did not operate anywhere near that area…strange hey?!

Paula x

Paula, Bruising on your tummy, it might be due to anti-coagulant injection Heparin or Clexane they give you to prevent clots during/after surgery. Whereas my armpit now, it feels like i have been punched and then stood on (5th day post-op) but there’s nowt to see.

Hope you’re both feeling better soon