I am a Practice Manager at a Health Centre and mother to two boys. I also do most of my husbands bookwork for his business, wages etc.

Community midwife &, it seems sole manager of our home… I do more than I’d imagined!!
And mum to three, 15,13 & 3

Principal Education Welfare Officer -no-one ever knows what it is but basically my teams try and ensure children receive full education -deal with non school attendance, child protection in education, exclusion from school, elective home education, parenting, child employment (did you know ANY child or yp of school age must have a work permit if they are doing a part time job?) etc etc (and it is much more than full time…I am also missing work)

Senior sister / ward manager in NHS hospital

Retired English teacher[11-16] still mark GCSE exams
mum to 2;stepmum to 3 grandma to 8[4 boys 4 girls]
wife to a wonderful man

Admin Officer for Business, Computing & Technology at local college

I work for the council, leisure services department,( thats the good part, now for the rest) -
in a Library! Shhh!
Seriously I love my job in my local library but have just asked for early retirement aged 39.

I’m a pharmacist - never thought that I would ever need the drugs that I made up in my very first job all those years ago!

Uro-Oncology Specialist Nurse (not a lot of help with breast cancer though!)

What wonderful career paths we have all chosen, be it corporate or more domestic. I am really impressed at the vast range of professions we are involved with!

My job sounds so boring compared to some of the great things others are doing … but the ppl I work with make it good to go into the office.

My previous job was dealing with complaints for a major broadband provider initially on the business side but we later took over the home side too … fantastic job, never 2 days the same -except you could almost guarantee that at least once a day you would be told you were useless and be sworn at - and great satisfaction when you wrapped up a case and the client was happy… very few stayed in our team for more than 6 months but there were a handful of us die-hards who stuck it out … and as a reward we got the worst cases to deal with.

I would love to work on the front desk or answering the phones in a police station tho - I think that it would be very interesting to say the least.

I’m a mum of two boys, 6 and 9.

I’m also a keen photographer and was just about to take that leap of faith into professional photographer having done my first shoot with other people’s kids when all this started. I was going to have a stall at our school fete this summer to let people know what I can do, sell some of my cards and photos and book sessions with their kids. I’m not sure I’m going to have the energy to spend the summer doing sessions all over the place though. I’m going to have to pick it up again later. In the meantime I’m continuing to take photos whenever and wherever I am :slight_smile:

good luck with all and new career as well

I’m a careers adviser in a university and mum to 2 lovely teenagers and wife to a wonderful husband.
On a positive note with my current health is that I am at home more and able to spend more time with them all as well as giving me time to re consider my priorities and values. Am considering some serious life/careers changes when I complete the current treatment plan and as a careers adviser seem surprisingly incapable of helping myself! Would love to know what others have done to change their lives following cancer?


trained as a hairdresser then had time off for bringing up my 4 kids. got my diploma in aromatherapy in 2001 so never too late to learn something new ,next thing i want to do is reflexology. (course is a bit expensive so saving like mad !)lynn x

Retired last month but thinking of taking new career path into Mud Wrestling (summer only)

good luck with the new career Topper - sounds like a good one, but agree summer season only.

Today I saw a woman in a bright yellow jacket taking photos of broken paving slab and stone steps needing repair… I would love that! School career officer never mentioned that one

I want the job of leaning on the spade,its a skill!!!

It’s said to be devillish hard on the feet though…all that standing