
Hi Wilf,

Sorry to hear some of your liver results are on the increase. I was scanned after 3 cycles, so halfway through, and it was a really encouraging scan. Much better than I’d hoped for. However, by the time the next one was done, after another 2 cycles, there was progression in my bones & left pleura, so unfortunately the Taxol had stopped working for me.

I’m now on Vinorelbine, 3 weeks on & a week off again, but don’t know if it’s working or not as only just started 2nd cycle. I presume I’ll be scanned after 3rd cycle. Seeing onc next week to discuss all this.

Fingers crossed your scan shows stability & you can carry on with the Taxol.

Take care all you Taxol takers!

Dugsy x

Thanks Dugsy

Its really the first time I’ve not seen positive marker results with treatments and so am hoping that the scan result on Thursday is positive. I guess I’ve been very lucky so far. In my head I’m thinking if I have to have another treatment probably Eribulin then I’m using up options. Also I’ve had gaps between treatments and so I feel that I might be on treatments continously. I’m so used to packing things in and so this slow pace and feeling rubbish is just not me if you know what I mean.

well hi dugsby,
i had my 6th taxol today i am feeling fine a bit of chemo fog for two days but no other side affects i have mine weekly onc said its a milder dose weekly still got my hair thank god she said its might go thin but it havent yet, but i wont lose it all. my nose is a bit sore inside but that be the herceptin too by the way dx with lungs mets two months ago, all the best with your treatment let us know how you get on.
hugs lorraine x x

hi dugsby
i have just made a boo boo i was reading your post about starting taxol but realize affter that was last yeat uwere talking about sorry about that but feeling gormless had my seveth taxol today now have chemo fog.
all the best to you lorraine x

Hello again!

I had Taxol number 4 yesterday, but the first time I’ve had the full dose, as my liver counts have only just got back to normal after Capecitabine. They had a bit of trouble getting into my veins again. I really hope I don’t have to get a line put in. I don’t fancy that at all! The antihistamine knocked me out, as usual, so I then had a bit of trouble sleeping last night. Also had lead legs! Feeling a bit wobbly this morning, but nothing major so far…

Lorraine - I can’t believe your hair is still in tact! Mine has been coming out by the fistful for a week already!

Take care, Angelfalls xxx

Have just come across this thread & wanted to bump it up as I’m due to start 18 times weekly Taxol in 4 weeks.

Is there anyone else out there just started or about to on this treatment? Would be good to share experiences.
