Pain and discomfort following WLE

I had my second WLE surgery two weeks ago the results indicate no more surgery is required which is amazing news.Now just waiting for appointment to meet with Oncologist to discuss and schedule radio and hormone therapies. My wounds have healed really well and I have been applying a fab oil which has helped a great deal I am sure. However I have stated to get frequent pain and discomfort in my affected boob and underarm area.It varies from stabbing “pin” pain, throbbing and aching plus itching and tightening in my underarm. Feeling a bit disappointed as I have had to start on pain meds again! I have bought some new Genie bras and hoped that May have helped…any other suggestions more than welcome x

Hi nerakq

Thats great news, that you need no more surgery, and good news that you have healed well. I am 3.5 wks post node clearance surgery. Although I am coping without pain killers. I do have time through the week when I get the odd pain or aching in different places. I think I have now developed cording!! But I am trying to do the exercises at least 3 times a day, and that helps.

I also find doing my exercises while lying in a warm bath has helped! I think some pain is to be expected. All the nerves are reconnecting!! Annoying but I’m sure you’ll find it a little easier each day.

Sal xx