
Ref pain because of secondary tumour entwined in my brachial plexus, just under my right clavicle. Anyone else in pain when they drive their car but at no other time? I’m on Gabapentin/ Co Codemol mix, taking abut 17 tabs in one day. I garden, cook, sleep without pain, sit as a passenger even but a soon as I drive, wow the pain is unbearable. I have a loose seatbelt, tried sitting forward, consciously relax my shoulders, driving one handed, putting a small cushion under my armpit but nothing helps, despite having popped pills an hour before. I’ve also recently had a VATS due to bc spread to lungs. Is that the pain or is it the tumour under my clavicle ?
Just been told that I cant have radiotherapy due having had max dose in same area 10 years ago. All I have now is Aromisin to help starve the cells of oestrogen. Apparently the pain decreasing will be the indicator that the lump is reducing in size, but until then I am in agony and want to get out and about !

You might be able to have more targeted radiotherapy - Cyberknife or one of the similar systems. These are so accurate it doesn’t matter if you’ve already had rads to the same area. Would be worth investigating. Hope you manage to find a solution.

finty x