Painful head following chemo

I had my first FEC three weeks ago, I used a cold cap but unfortunately my hair is coming out quite rapidly. I have quite a wide parting now down the centre of my head, and the hair above my ears is quite sparse. I was fortunate in that I had quite thick hair before treatment and have read that sometimes the hair loss can slow down/stop, however, my next course is on Wednesday.

I didn’t find the cold cap too uncomfortable the first time but am now not sure whether it would be too painful this time, as at the moment my head is really quite painful (feels bruised and hot) - I have been advised that this can be one of the side effects of the damaged hair follicles - has anyone else experienced this?


Breast Cancer Care have written a booklet called ‘Breast cancer and hair loss’ which you may find helpful to read, it contains some advice about side effects and how to manage hair loss. You can read it via the following link or order a copy from the site:

Hope this helps.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care

Hi Two01

I used the cold cap for my first treatment of AC - I too had thick hair. 2 weeks exactly after that first treatment my scalp for very sore and tender and the hair started to come out in handfuls. The place of loss sounds exactly the same as you - by another 7 days I had a very large bald patch onthe top of my head and above my ears had bald patches too. I spose I could have tied it back and wore hats and had a ponytail but opted to get the clippers out and clipper the rest right down to a number 1 - not the easiest decision and awful at the time but now just wear bandanas and beanies. I actually do still have some hair on my head - albeit a number 1. It was the right decision for me as before I shaved it , it was just coming out in huge knots etc.

Good lluck with your decision
Hope this helps

Hi there

Ditto to the above, same pattern of loss after cold cap on first session only. It only took 14 days after that for the sore and achy scalp to start then it came out with a vengeance.

Best of luck .

Cecelia. x

Hi TW001
I tried the cold cap and like you had really really thick long hair. My head felt very bruised and sore like yours and was the amount that came out was incredible. I spent a week in hospital after my first chemo due to zero white blood count and infection and the hair came out all over the hospital bed and floor! I used the cold cap on the 2nd and 3rd occasion and the chemo nurses used gauze to cover up the bald spots. On my last treatment my head was so patchy that I just couldn’t bear the coldness on my scalp so gave up. I was rather miserable about it as was trying to keep the very little hair I have so that when I wear beanies and scarfs have a little of my hair poking out. Anyway it’s still there. Very thin but there. It is still coming out so not sure what end result will be. Have next lot of chemo tomorrow so guessing more will come out - oh well nothing I can do now and I have accepted you - you just do.
Best wishes

Hi TW001

I followed the same pattern as all above.
Like RebzAmy I have managed to hang on to a little hair, fringe and back, so wearing beanies is good. but I am halfway through treatment and still loosing slowly!!!

Good luck


Thanks for all your comments - at least I know what’s happening is normal. I’ll try the cold cap once more, but am sure the clippers will be out next week, as the hair I’ve got left looks terrible (unable to use my straighteners!) - it feels thin, lifeless and dull. In preparation I’ve already bought hats, headscarves, a turban and a wig, I’ve also bought eyebrows and eyelashes! Will keep you updated.