Panicking as a new lump has appeared after a year of treatment!


I went for what I thought was a routine check up yesterday to see my oncologist to get him to sign off my herceptin which is due tomorrow.

He always checks my bad side where I had a mastectomy and also the other side. Yesterday he could feel a definite lump on the remaining breast and he called in the consultant who felt it and has organised for me to come into the one stop clinic on Friday where I’ll have a mammogram and ultrasound and maybe biopsy. I just can’t believe this is happening AGAIN and I’m going through all the panic of what happened a year ago. The lump doesn’t feel the same as the one last year i.e. it’s not very hard and it’s not fixed which makes me feel a little better but going through all the tests again makes me so nervous. I’ve lost my appetite and am feeling very stressed.

Has anybody else had anything like this happen and for it not to be anything? i think I want the lump removed even if it turns out to be benign but I just can’t believe this is happening to me - I thought I was coming to the end of treatment and that my time at the hospital was getting less and less.

I hope there is somebody out there who can reassure me.
Ruby x

Hi Ruby

I am sorry to read that you have this further worry, our helpliners are here to support you, the line is closed now but you can call between 9am-5pm weekdays and 9am-2pm Saturday. Please give them a call if you feel this will help you.

Best wishes

Hi Ruby,
I can’t answer your questions unfortuanately…I was dx in jan 04…may of this year i was checking my effected side and thought i felt an area that felt different by scar, rang BCN, went straight over to hospital had ultrasound and FNA…results were clear thank goodness, but the experience of going through tests again totally freaked me out…fortunately i didn’t have to wait too long for my results either…just as well!

By saying Friday do you mean tomorrow?..hopefully tests will prove there is nothing to worry about…but i know you are going to be feeling very anxious and stressed.
Hopefully someone will be able to answer your questions soon.

karen x

Hi Ruby
I am having the same problem as you

I was DX march 07 with grade 2 stage 2 ER and PR + tumour in left breast, had WLE and ax clearance chemo and rads, then due to various other events I have been really finding things difficult to come to terms with. I recently had a bone scan due to a pain on my right side which fortunately was clear.

I have just started counselling and was starting to feel better but this week I have found a lump in my right breast. Thought I was being paranoid so asked GP to check, thought he would say there was nothing there, but he did feel something which he says is probably nothing but advised that I should get it checked to make sure. Rand BCN who is arranging an appointment but now I am really worried so I know how you feel. We are back on the treadmill again. Hope they both turn out to be nothing sinister

best wishes

Hi Ruby and Nightowl

So sorry to hear that both of you have new lumps and are back in the dreaded area of tests and waiting for results. I hope you both get the all clear. I think sometimes the medical profession get a litte over cautious once we’ve had a tumour and every little lump and bump or ache and pain gets the full works.

I have to echo what Lilac says - I hope it turns out to be nothing at all for both of you. I can imagine how anxious and fed up you are feeling.
Take good care

Hi Karen, Nightowl and Lilacblushes

Thank you all very much for your support and for sharing your experiences with me. It really was a horrible time but thankfully it turned out to be a cyst which I had drained and just to be safe, the fluid has been sent off for analysis. Also I go back in 4-5 weeks time for them to check it again and then decide whether it’ll be excised.

Lilacblushes, you are right about what you say above, they won’t take any chances whatsoever, hence my being referred to the one stop clinic on Wed and having everything done today and getting the results all at the same time and I managed to fit in my Herceptin too!

Nightowl, I really sympathise with you, it’s hard to move on. I find that some little niggly pains make me wonder if it’s cancer again. I don’t mention it to the doctors because it’s nothing specific but I know they’d be really annoyed to know that I’m suffering in silence. I once mentioned I’d been feeling dizzy and they said I could have a brain scan if I wanted - I decided not to and the dizziness went away. It’s very difficult having this hang over you constantly.

Karen sounds like you had a similar type of scare too and thankfully all is ok for you too.

Thanking you all again for your support.
Ruby xx