pathology reports back

I’ve just come back from the consultant to be told that i’m now grade 2 cancer with one lymph node involvement and will need rads and chemo,
is there anyone else in a similar position to me, and can tell me what happens next? Oh and I have to have a pet scan on monday, which is scaring me
to death. Thanks Michelle xx

Hiya…You will have chemo before rads…im fairly sure. i thought the same as you when i was first diagnosed…unless they do rads before…i could be wrong, but i had chemo first…

Karen xx

Hi Michelle
My cancer was 19mm, grade 2 with 1 lymph node involved , i’m also Oestrogen positive. You should have an appointment soon to see your oncologist who’ll tell you your treatment plan, it’s usually 6 x FEC or 6 x FEC-T, i’m just on FEC. I saw my oncologist about a week or so after getting my results and chemo started about 2 weeks later. You will see one of the chemo nurses prior to starting who will go over the does and donts and will make you aware of the risks involved. Radiotherapy will start once chemo is finished, mine starts 4 weeks after my last chemo and then I will start taking Tamoxifen in order to block the Oestrogen. I didn’t have a scan and I understand you must be terrified but I think you’d have to be very unlucky to have any spread from one lymph node.
Let us know how you get on.
Take care
Love Lydia x

Thanks Lydia, it’s such a horrible time, I just want to get on with the treatment. All of these scans frighten me! I knew the consultant had results of brain scan today, and I nearly passed out waiting for him to tell me it was clear …IHope your treatment is going well and you have little side effects. This site is going to be a lifeline for me! Michelle xx

do you know if you’re ER+ or HER2+?

I’m strongly er positive and already on tamoxifen, started it on diagnosis. xx

thats weird they putting you on Tamoxifen first…ive never heard that before…its weird how hospitals do things differently xx

Hi Mickey24,
I had the exact same diagnosis - grade 2 and 1 lymph node. My tumour was 3 cm and I had lumpectomy, followed by chemo - 3 fec and 3 tax - which I started 6 wks after surgery and I am now having rads which I started 3 weeks after last chemo, as well as taking tamoxifen.
It is not unusual to begin tamoxifen straight away this is to block the oestrogen which the tumour is feeding off and so stop the tumour getting any bigger. Its good to know that while you are waiting for your treatment plan they are doing something. Depending on the size of your tumour you may have chemo before surgery to shrink it or go straight to surgery.
Good luck it does get easier to take in all that is going on.
Sam xx

Hi Sam

Did you have to have pet scans etc after your surgery? I started tamoxifen 4 weeks ago when I was diagnosed and had a lumpectomy and all lymph nodes removed 10 days ago. I’ve got to have a pet scan tomorrow and i’'m terrified…
Michelle xx