Patrick Swayzee

Hi Folks

Has anyone seen the Patrick Swayzee interview on You Tube a 5 part interview. I think it is on TV (terrestrial) tonight.

It is a remarkable and honest take on living with cancer.
I am sorry he is going through what he is but he’s attitude will keep him sustained for sometime yet,

Take care all


Hi Carol,

I did watch the interview a few months ago with an american talk show host, i can’t remember her name.
Thanks for the info, i wil def watch again.
He is an inspiration. I loved him in Dirty Dancing. Its the only film I have watched more than 3 times!!

Best wishes,
Rosie x

Hi Rosie
I hadn’t realised this was on before.

Yes I too watched Dirty Dancing a few times, ghost rated quit high for mee to.


quit mee -oh the spelling!

Hi I haven’t got cancer, but used this forum for support when my mum had breast cancer. She died in January, only 16 months after diagnosis. I still return to read when I am struggling, which isn’t sensible but there you go.
Please do not say that a good attitude keeps you going, this is not the case. It is down to your illness and treatment.
Those who die from cancer did not have a bad attitude, defeatest attitude, or were weak, they had a disease that could not be cured, plain and simple.
Sorry if you are offended.

Dear Sadnet
I do have bc and a grown up son and daughter and my heart really goes out to you.
I am so sorry you are struggling. Like you I think getting cancer and how you get on are about the illness more than anything else. but attitude can help you to deal with it in terms of loved ones, who you want to protect, sometimes, from the worst of your feelings.
take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to get you through your sadness, I will be thinking of you
love, monica

Personally, if I did not try to be positive I don’t think I would be able to get out of bed in the morning. I had a 4 month period in all this where I was pretty much confined to bed with severe fatigue and other bad side effects. It was like being in that movie Groundhog Day and I knew I just had to try and get through it somehow. I did not want to end up on antidepressants as I had a breakdown twice in my early 20s and then my early 30s and I never want to go back there.

We are all different and all find our own ways to cope with this. For me the experience of being really ill for all those months makes me grateful for every day I feel OK.

I can recommended reading Peter Harvey’s “The Perils and Pitfalls of Positive Thinking”.

Sadnet - you’re quite right, our positive or negative, or any other, attitude does not affect outcomes. It may help us cope to some extent, help those around us cope but BC does not respect attitude or state of mind. People are recorded as brave, fighting, battling etc. with this disease and we all have all of those characteristics sometimes or even all of the time whether we survive or not. What we ALL have is hope, whether we are glass half full or glass half empty we all have hope.

Another recommended read The Anatomy of Hope by Jerome Groopman.

Might as well go for the hattrick - a chapter of Pink Ribbons Inc. which is titled The Tyranny of Cheerfulness.

I have now well and truly digressed …

Hi sadnet…Take good care of yourself…your Mum will always live on in your heart…x.x.x