Perfect bra after surgery (lumpectomy)

I am having the same issue trying to find a bra before my lumpectomy surgery too! There are so many to choose from. I have read that the sport bras are the ones to get but it’s so confusing. Should I get a cami with a shelf bra (if you call it that). I think I should get a front close bra in case they also take out lymph nodes under my arm?
Also, since all of this is new to me, can someone please explain to me what can I expect after the surgery? Will I be bed ridden until it heals? How do I take care of the site? How long before I can get back to my regular routine. I have read that there are special creams that help minimize scarring, but what are they? What about the effects of radiation on my skin? How do I prepare or take care of it? The unknown is a bit scary. Thanks.

Hi all,
Having had some professional experience and now personnal experience on the other side…
My 2 penneth is…
Surgeons typically like sportsbras post-op for the added support this gives to their handiwork.
Having spent a year in sports bras whilst lopsided i have found the M&S post-op range very comfortable on my scsrs, and a refreshing change as coloured / patterned. Not too pricey,and VAT is also refunded. These bras have sewn in pockets to help secure prothesis (I have only used these since matched) so cannit comment on that function.
Was given partial prothesis by breast care nuese a few weeks after initual surgery, did use it but found it to be heavy and sweaty on skin / scars. I read about knitted knockers on here, but have not used.
My local M&S did not stock the post-op bras, but i had a measuring with their fitter then ordered to be delivered to store. Did have to pay up front, but also swiftly refunded for those i didnt take.
Happy hunting
LL xx

I had a lumpectomy and 1 node removed in April. I am now 2 weeks and 3 days post radiotherapy and doing well, red glowing boob calming down and itching subsiding nicely. They don’t look the same, but what the heck.


I was advised to use a cotton bra during the rads, close to 100% as possible, and found good old M&S had just what I was looking for at 93%, the only colours were pale pink or white, but they were comfortable and I am still using them, hopefully for not much longer as I ache to be in a nice pretty bra with support, as I on the large side! They are sold individually and cost £15 I think, also they are non-wired.


I and also thinking of getting back into some exercise but will discuss with with my oncologise when I see her tonight.


Good luck everyone :heart:

My onc. said aprox 3-4 weeks after rads finished I should be able to go back into an underwire bra of any fabric, as by then the redness, itchy feelings etc would have subsided, which is exactly what is happening - I am starting to look as near to normal again as far as colour is concerned. I have also had a little peeling around the nipple area and the stabbing pains in boob and chest area, but I am very happy with how things have progressed and each day is a little better.


Just look after yourself and try to stay positive.



Hi, I had a lympectomy with immediate reconstruction Sept. 18. I can’t help with bras because I still have to search as well. I have sports bras that I can step into due to my arms. I did find one front closure bra but it has so many closures I wouldnt recommend it. Each person is different but it is two weeks for me now. First week very painful with movement found out I was doing too much. Slowed down, do my light exercises and doing good. Lots of itching, burning and sharp shooting pains but able to be mobile and do light tasks. Key for me is not to go too fast, dont try to mimic anyone, find your limit and work with it pray and give time for proper healing. Try not to get discouraged with the what-ifs believe for healing work it at your comfortable pace and expect the positive. Pray all goes well. Follow Dr instructions and keep researching and reading these posts which are helpful yet find what works for you. You are not alone!

Hi, I had my lumpectomy many years ago–1999 and radiation after the surgery–Everything went very well-Thank God and since then my breast have changed in size–my lumpectomy was to the right breast. My left breast is a size 36C and the right has gotten a lot smaller over time–I was using pads to make up the difference, but now my right breast is about 3 sizes smaller, so pads are no longer doing the job–I find that no matter what bra I buy-I look lopsided–do you have any ideas for me?? I did ask my doctor at my last mamogram why my (right)breast)got so much smaller-and she said over time–it was from the radiation… I guess I never thought  that it would take so long for it to make such a difference…

Please I would welcome any ideas…

Sincerely, Marilyn



Hi there, there’s a US company called Third Love that makes custom made bras, not cheap about £70, & they can fit asymmetric boobs. They apparently do last s long time as v well made & you use their app to take your measirements. Mine still changing post lumpectomy & radio, just a few weeks but I thought I’d dodged the scarring/shape change. Hey ho. Hope the company is useful. X

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Had malignant lymph node and 32 more non malignant nodes removed -bra very painful… can’t seem to find a comfortable bra to wear been over a year since surgery.

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Welcome to the forum Diane .Its horrible waiting for results isn’t it .When do you find out what happens next ?

I am a 10 year BC survivor. Had a lumpectomy and 33 radiation treatments and 9 1/2 years of Letrozole!
No one told me that the radiated breast would shrink substantially. Even after 10 years, the scar tissue makes wearing a bra so uncomfortable. Any recommendations for a good comfortable bra? Preferably cotton! I live in the hot south and can’t stand a bra that sticks to me!
Thanks for any help!

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I had a lumpectomy 3 months ago and I haven’t touched an underwire bra since. I always avoided what I called “the bras with the boobs already in them” but it turns out the cupped bras are the best for me. I like the Bali bra that has no wire and comes in S-M-L sizes. It’s so comfortable and covers up the size difference between my two breasts. I’m in the South, too, and I haven’t been through a hot summer yet but this is the best bra for me right now. It’s not cotton but it might work for you, too. Happy New Year

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