periods and chemo

Hi Allie and Kelly
Allie I think chemo can trigger menopause and so maybe absence of periods is just the first sign? That is what my onc seemed to suggest…
Kelly, fingers crossed that yours continue!
I spoke to the onc yesterday (third and final FEC - I spent the night throwing up in celebration. yes, FEC and me, Its been lovely but definitely time to move on…) about my continued periods and she thought it would be very unusual if by the sixth session they were still showing up. But this doesn’t apply to you Kelly of course, I’m a lot older than you are…
Hope you are all having a v. good weekend.

Hi all
The other thing that came out of the discussion yesterday was that there have been clinical trials which should that there is no advantage to giving zoladex during chemo…and which show that having periods during chemo has not impact on the effectiveness of the drugs. Very reassuring!!

had mine all the way through. Im now on tamoxifen…and they are still happening lol. However, am due further surgery sometime in the next week or so to have a full hysterectomy cos the gynae has found a massive cyst…so at least i know hes not lying to me when he says my periods will stop lol. I asked the chemo girls when i was having chemo about still having periods and they said that obviously my system is as hard as nails. I had no probs with my bloods all the way through chemo and they always bounced back to the same level every time i went. So my bloods at the end of 6 months of poisoning was the same as they were before they started poisoning me. Always knew i was as tough as old boots lol.


you sound like a girl after my own heart!! My periods have continued throughout chemo, having my final day 8 CMF next weds! My bloods have been awesome throughout too so I guess we must be tough as old boots eh!!! Chemo must like us!!!

I’m due to start Tamoxifen next month so god knows what will happen to my periods then!

Take care,


I’ve read that the early menopausal symptoms can just be temporary, including stopping periods (mine stopped after 3rd cycle of chemo)… to be honest, if I’m going to go through unpleasant symptoms once, I’d rather it was permanent… don’t want them to return, just to have to go through it all again a few years down the line!! I’m 44 by the way and thought menopause would be a good few years off… Hopefully that’s one thing over and done with…


I’m 29 and went through 6 x FEC last year. My periods stopped after FEC 4 and returned 3 months after the last treatment. I’m on Tax at the mo and they stopped again after Tax 1 on 1st August and have not returned yet. Due for Tax 5 in a week. My Onc thinks I am going through menopause because of the amount of hot flushes I’m getting and he warned me at the out set that as they stopped the 1st time, chances were they would stop for good this time.

I’m planning on asking for my bloods to be tested for their hormone levels when I’m next at the hospital to see if he’s right or not.
