pertuzmab/herceptin h2+

Hi all hope you are doing well!
Did anyone else see granada reports yesterday {its on the web and in the daily
mail] about Maralyn on a drug trial at Christie —Dr Wardley? I have been on it too for just over a year and have ever shrinking liver mets around 30% last CT . This is a stage II trial for Her2+ and there are 66 of us world wide The stage III trial must happen now as there is publicity …soon I out for it! CT tomorrow fingers crossed ! xx Jan

Hi Jan,
Yes,I saw it too.It sounds very promising so I’m going to ask my Onc about it next time I see her.
If you go on Roch(the drug company testing it) website it tells you all about their trials.
Alli x

hi hun like too hear more but have just come out of operation tumour removed speak more soon sophie

Hi alli
hi sophie hope you are feeling better
My ct came back stable that’s good enough for me !
off to Turkey tomorrow for a long chill out
xx Jan

Yes i have heard of it, a few Oncs at my hospital were buzzing about it…great to hear your having good results