Petrified that it's worse than I have been told.

Hello Sweetheart & Maisey,

Sweetheart, - sorry couldn’t get back to you before you’re op., really hope every thing went ok, and that you are home now. I was in the hospital just overnight, op, night stay then home.My follow up result are good, full clearance of cancer cells, taking tamoxifen now and waiting to hear when I start my radiotherapy. I was so lucking that my tumour was caught in it’s early stages. When will you hear about you’re results? How are you feeling now and coping with everything? I find the breast care nurses are brill, very caring and understanding of the emotions that literally go around and around.

Maisey- Good luck with tomorrow, we will be thinking about you and prayers are for you, when you feel able to, let us know how you are.

Speak soon, chins up