pic line or canular?

Hi Mary,
as I noted already on this thread, I was a direct cannula only patient. If you want some good general info on the three main kinds of lines/ports then this page on Macmillan website, with links to pages for each of central line (Hickman), portacath and PICC, macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinformation/Cancertreatment/Treatmenttypes/Chemotherapy/Linesports/Centrallines.aspx is worth checking out.

Hope you find what works for you… if your veins can stand the cannula method, it is probably the least disruptive/invasive, but you will know what’s right for you.

Thanks Alison and Jo. I had no idea, that sounds much better i Will call my chemo nurse tomorrow. X so nervous about the chemo my main concerns are i Will be able to manage with my kids and hair loss. I probably sound really vain I’m not but always been very self conscious about myself almost paranoid sometimes. Finding it hard to deal with. X

revcat Thank you i shall check the website out. Probably sounds silly but i try not to go on net about this stuff as just frightens the hell out of me and everything is just so raw. Brings it all to life. X

Not the least bit silly… there’s some outdated, wrong and even downright dangerous stuff out there. Best to stick with the main BCC website, MacMillan and Cancer Research UK as they are all up to date, properly researched and relevant for UK patients.

You comments about hair don’t sound vain either btw, just normal… we only dsicover how much our hair is part of our ID when this happens… but most of us surprise ourselves by coping brilliantly, and you will be just as brilliant as anyone else.

Be gentle with yourself,you have alot of stuff to take-in and process, but you will get there.

Having a portacath fitted end of this week ready for chemo on 3rd Jan. My health insurance covers the procedure, however, I will have to pay for the actual portacath. Anyone know how much they cost?
Wendy xx

Thanks revcat it really helps to know someone else understands. My husband has been my rock thru out this and i no if i did lose my hair it wouldn’t be an issue to him. But to me i don’t no how I’d cope and how to face him or my 2 kids of 4 and 1. Just can’t talk to him or anyone else about it because it’s just too much at the min. I think i just need to take each day as it comes x

Wendy good luck for the 3rd I’ll be thinking of you I’m going for my 1st session on 10th. X

Hi Mary
Good luck with yours too. Got my portacath - done with sedation and local anesthetic. Very sore, however, nothing to how my arm felt after a week of IV antibiotics and six canula sites! At least I will be able to go into the chemo without fear of pain during the actual delivery of the medicine.
Wendy xx
Managed to get s nasty cold - head all stuffed up - don’t think it will delay anything though

Hi Wendya how has your session gone on? I was due to have 1st fec 10th Jan but now moved to 11th Jan. X