pink fluffiness and cancer

I don’t like it lol Eileen

Neither do I. I had the misfortune to be diagnosed just in time for Breast Cancer awareness month Sept 2006. Didn’t it used to be a week? I remember going into M&S and being surrounded by dinky little pink underwear numbers. Most depressing. Fortunately no one asked me if I wanted to buy a brooch or keyring or I don’t know what my reaction would have been. Maybe it gets better as time goes on…

Yes Debbie happen it does, it’s just that somehow the pinkness and fluffiness doesn’t sit well with the terrifying diagnosis and the treatment. Its as if it makes it nicer. I have no doubt the pink sells lots of items that do help in the fight for a cure, and I must admit I am glad that it is a ‘fashionable’ disease as opposed to lots of other diseases. I always feel uncomfortable when I see tems on sale especially when I am with someone. Love Eileen

I see it as all part of the “sanitisation” of cancer in general. It’s lovely, it’s pink, it’s definitely curable…NO IT ISN’T!!!

I too was dx Sept 2006 and didnt notice the ‘fluffies’ at all that year!I suppose there has to be something raising awareness in the general public.What would you put in its place that is easily translatable to the market?I suppose I dont care that much as long as the money comes in.I see it as pink=female=look it could be you,your wife/daughter/mother!Help now.