Please can anyone offer some advice - im scared

Thinking of you, whatever, they tell you, it will be easier to deal with because you will know something…

SJ xx

Well ladies I got there and had a bit of a wait, burst out in tears when they called me in. Been a really stressfull 3 weeks. The doctor came in and asked me about the discharge ect and examined me. He examined me for about a minute and told me there was nothing to worry about. Everything looked and felt very healthy and not to worry. I thought I would need a scan but he said no and that was it … free to go home. Im so releaved but im hoping his examination was enough. I think I worked myself up to much I was expecting more but he was very happy to let me go with only a examination. Do you think I can be happy that the discharge is natural…it is from both breasts and no other symtoms. I know I had good news, and dontmean to question everything. I hope you understand xx

Dear Maisemoo
Very pleased to hear your news!

Lavender Lassie

Hi there

Brilliant news! Sometimes getting good news is as difficult/emotional as the other sort!

They will have done everything they needed to do, to give you that news, so please be reassured.

Hugs - suspect you still be emotional for a few days after the strain on the past 3.

SJ xx

Fantastic news! It’s going to take you a good few days to get over the trauma you have been through…you have had a bit of a nightmare.

Now you must put your trust in the doctor and put it behind you and have the best christmas ever.

I’m so pleased for you :slight_smile:

Sheana x

Thank you everyone for your support. I would like to stick around and support others through this anxious time. You are all great xx

Dear Maisiemoo,
What brilliant news after your wait. Put this behind you and have a fab Christmas.
Lots of love,


Brilliant news and yes I would say you can trust that everything is OK. The doctor you saw is a specialist and unfortunately sees people with BC every day. When I went for dx (after my GP said it was probably compacted tissue) the specialist at the breast clinic said he was ‘very suspicious’ just from examining me. They did the other things (mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy + needle test) to confirm what he thought. You didn’t need any of that because your specialist wasn’t worried.

I don’t know anything about the discharge but I guess now you’ll want your GP to look at what else it could be.

Enjoy Christmas. It’s great to hear a good story - one lady the dreaded BC didn’t get.