Please forgive me

Some of you might already know me from the odd things I have written, but I am now drawn to say a few things that might be controversial. Yes I have had breast cancer, I have had all the treatments, some support , mainly from my daughter who is now in Iraq. I think I have a good prognosis. I have read yet again in the Telegraph today about support with cancer. I am drawn to the stories of people who are far more special than me and whilst I feel that I have had a serious illness there are so many people out there who are so much worse off than me and then that makes me feel selfish. I dont know what is round the corner for me, hopefully nothing, but we never know and I am torn between relief, anxiety about what might happen and how dare I be so selfish when there are people who are dealing with a lot worse than me. I think life is a bitch! There are many of you that have had very supportive friends, family and colleagues. And I know like myself that there are some without this network. I know I am strong, it grieves me to read of womenwith problems with work and making ends meet. There is nothing I can do about this but I feel very sad. I wish I was that millonaire who g ives money out to good causes on the TV. Anyway thank yoy for reading my rant. I shall now go and cook dinner for me and a friend and watch Xfactor. Take care


Madeline x

Madeline I agree with your rant, our emotions are torn in so many directions with this illness. I’m also angry and sad that people with this disease are struggling financially, it’s enough to get through the day without that added stress.
Best wishes
Caz x

Don’t feel selfish. I had a rant about something similar a few weeks back, but I realised we are all in the same boat in many ways. It doesn’t matter what you go through in life, there will always be people in a worse and a better position than you. But the bottom line is that you have been affected by breat cancer. Cut yourself a break and don’t beat youself up with guilt, you have enough to cope with. Take care of yourself.


ditto what the others have said…you are dealing with the living with BC and the worry of your daughter in Iraq…who i hope is ok…we are all here for you too.

karen x

Hi maisey
I too was diagnosed with BC this year. I have two young boys,no family support and my husband is in Iraq.He just wanted time off. So I am here alone putting a brave front in front of the kids with no family during Christmas.Sometimes I think life is just unfair.I want to believe in GOD but where is he/she? Or is it just an delusion.