Please help support & advice needed!

Hi All,

Just wanted 2 give u an update & check everyone is ok!

Well I go into Stoke next week to have the tumour removed! I am not sure how I feel - stunned, shocked & scared. but glad it is happening quick so I have not much time to dwell on it!
I have so much to do & plan…

ok I got the percent bits & I am surprised & ok with that bit…
2% death
10% loss of mobilty
I thought they were pretty good statistics?

Then it will be rads 2 that area, tab chemo & a tab that are like herceptin… so at least there seems to be a good plan of action in place. I have an excellent team behind me & I am really pleased with them.

My surgeon is Mr H L Brydon
Onc: Dr Lupton

I hope are well
Love & hugs 2 u all

Really glad you have got a plan of action sorted out and hope it all goes well for you.


Hi all,

I just wanted 2 post an update!

I hope everyone is doing ok under the circumstances that we find ourselves in… I am sending my hugs & positive vibes to u all…

I hopefully get addmitted into Stoke Hospital today for all my pe op obs ready for surgery tomorrow! I cant wait to get rid of this thing in my head! I am scared I would be lieing if I said I was not, not so much of the surgery but the coming round, how I will feel, what will I be like (I have a pretty good idea) but its the not knowing bit! I have heard that my face will be swollen so I may not see, and because its more the left side I will most likely not be able to hear thrpugh that side for a while! MMM getting a little anxious now so I will love and leave you all.

I will be back on very soon to see how all are doing

If I haven’t missed you, Good Luck Mel! I truly hope that it all goes very well for you and that you come back on here telling us it’s all been removed! I’m not particularly religious but I will say a prayer xxx


Take care, will be thinking about you and keeping everything crossed. Let us know how you are as soon as u are able.




Wishing you all the best for your op. Know you are posting on FB, and commented there before you went.

I bet you are scared stiff, wouldnt we all be, but keeping everything crossed for you that you bounce back in your normal way and are back posting as soon as possible, cos we will miss you.

Take care and I will be checking FB for the updates.

Lots of love

Hi Mel

Just found your thread. I am hoping and praying all goes ok for you tomorrow. I have just read all that has happened to you, you have every right to be frightened, I can’t imagine some of what you are feeling but I do know scared, angry, frightened, as they visit me quite often, but I also know brave, determined, and strong and I know you know them too.

Keep smiling Mel you are a lovely lady. Fingers crossed and BIG HUGS ((((( )))))

Sarah X

I think you may have had the op now, so i do hope it wen well. Do let us know when you can.

Very best wishes

Just found your post.
I really hope all went well.
Thinking of you
Fayjay :0)

Hi Mel - yes - just found this as well - hope it all went well and you are recovering OK, love Jayne

Hi all,
Thanks for the well wishes.

I thought I would give you an update.

Well Op went well, I woke up after 3 1/2hrs giggling & thanking everyone… Was sitting up within 10mins. But did have a rough nite. did not stop me from having a cuppa tea at 1am & a piece of toast though. The staff on the high dependancy ward where amazing! In fact all the staff where great caring and vigilant. The only complaint I did have was the cleanileness of the Brain truama ward was very undisierable, & just because it was a bank hols was not an excuse! (the toilet was not cleaned or mopped out all weekend - gross!)(soz little winge) I was up and about the next day, so there was no stopping me! Day 5 (yesterday) Im home Whoohoo.

Op went well surgeon is pleased that he got over 90% of it out. It was confirmed that it is metatasis… not sure how I feel about that yet but at least it is out. My amazing Oncologist came & seen me the day after my op on the ward to see how was doing and has already started the ball rolling in my next traetments. Which rads, tablet form of chemo, & a new drug that is like herceptin but has not long been approved. So as you can see I hav an amazing onc who is def not giving up on me!! I got a right runway at the back of me head, I keep expecting a jumbo to land. lol

Anyway hark at me going on. I hope everyone is doing well and things are ok.

Hugs 2 u all

Well done Mel!
Fantastic to hear that you got through it all. Sounds as if you have a really good oncologist who wants to help you as much as possible. Carry on getting better and wishing you all the very best with your treatment. Make the most of all the help you get now, cups of tea, chocolates, flowers and anything else that’s going.
Anne x

Wow Mel - you sound so good! Sooo pleased to hear you’re out the other side of it and have a good plan for the weeks ahead. I feel so relieved just thinking about it - can’t imagine how you and your family feel! Hope you’re finding nice ways of celebrating, and no side effects.
Big hug
Jacquie x

Soooo Glad all went well for you Mel, you are one awesome lady, “it” certainly didn’t know what it was taking on with you did it?

I’m so pleased for you after all you have been through and all the worry. Soz you have got to have more treatment but I suppose it is good in a strange way that the ONC is able to give you more treatment. As for the runway you do make me laugh, just watch out for that Jumbo Jet!

Big Hugs great news xxx

so glad it went well, Mel - you have real resilience - and your onc seems really on the ball! hope you are getting pampered! jaynex