Hi guys,
First i would like to say all your post have been so helpful to me! i am young so this also scares me a lot and i also do not know very much about this since my doctors are not very helpful. I was diagnosed with a fibroadenoma in august it was very painful and thats how i found it the ultra sound revealed it as abnormal because it was large in size and had a strange shape. The Surgeon told me that i did not need to remove it that they are almost always benign but not 0% chance of being benign and he said i could just have a biopsy or just leave it in and keep a watch on it every 3-6 months. i decided to have it removed because of the pain and that way if it wasn’t benign then i would be on the safe side. So i had the surgery the scar was on the side of my breast about 2 inches long and i hate the turnout of it. Other than that the surgery went well it didn’t take very long to recover. About three weeks ago 3 months after my surgery i found another lump in the breast i had surgery on (left) and two lumps in the right breast. I scheduled another ultra sound and once again they were fibroadenomas. Heres the problem, the doctor suggested that i leave them in and keep a watch on them or have a biopsy to know for certain that it was benign as he said which it will most likely be because they’re rarely ever cancerous. The doctor said i shouldn’t have it removed unless its really that big of a deal and to me it was, he seemed to keep trying to talk me out of the surgery and you could tell he really didn’t want to do it. he said he doesn’t want to have to keep putting scars all over me because he said most likely i am going to have more fibroadenomas in the future. I do not know what to do i am so torn its a lose lose situation for me see i get them taken out and ill have scars all over and they’ll still come back and eventually ill have no boobs cause i think it will make them smaller? I keep them in, i read a lot of risks about keeping them in and they are very painful to me i do not know why cause for most people they are not painful at all. I am into working out and am an all-star cheerleader so they bother me a lot no matter what i try and do. if i leave them in also there will still be more to come so ill have many painful lumps in my breast at once, who wants that?
i really need someone’s advice answers or opinion on these questions:
Why are my fibroadenomas so painful and other peoples are not?
Will they ever stop growing in me?
What causes them?
Why am i prone to them?
What can i do to prevent them? Or make them never come back?
Is there another way to terminate them without having a bunch of ugly scars all over my breast?
What can happen if i leave them in?
Can you go through the same incision for the next surgery?
please help me!