Portacath - advice needed

Just to let you know that my port is going in this Monday under a general anaesthetic. He said he likes to do lot of fiddling around in the veins —Yuk. It is going in through my neck and down into my heart - double yuk. Someone told me I will struggle with my neck straight after it. I have anti MRSA cream to put on my nose all weekend and had to buy antiseptic stuff to wash from my ears down. I feel like a sheep going to be dipped! A radioactive sheep as the last minute bone scan tomorrow means I will still have my red tag for the op. I may camp at the hospital as I seem to spend as long there as at home right now. I am looking forward to having a port now, just took me a while to get there. Thanks
lily x

Hi Lily, I had my 2nd FEC today . So 2 down + 4 to go! I can’t tell how wonderful the portacath is . Just have a sleep let the experts do their bit + Don’t worry yourself about too much about how they do it. I promise you you won’t regret it for a moment. Slightly bruised and a bit tender for about a week after its insertion…then you’ll forget its there.
Fight the good fight!
All the best

Hi Lily, Coleen

Just recovering from the FEC administered on tues and not feeling bad at all. Today I can feel the exhaustion creeping up on me but haven’t had any nausea or other effects.

I shaved the rest of my hair off yesterday with hubbs elec shaver and thought I had killed it! I had to take it to bits to ‘de-clog’ it! Anyhow - I feel much better without having all those tiny sharp hairs falling off. But must put some Johnson’s holiday skin on to make it blend into my facial skin colour!!!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine


Coleen that is great to know thank you so much. I was wobbly about the vein bit but feel more prepared with all the positive comments.
Anita hope you start to feel well and watch you don’t burn your head now. I bought 2 lovely scarves today as my friend tells me that wearing a wig in this weather is ‘like having a dead animal stuck on your head’.
Bone scan is done, next step is a visit to the wig shop. just need to decide whether to have a short wig, how it will be or along wig how it is now. Might get 2 and surprise people!! Op on Monday
Have a nice weekend
Lily x

Hi Lily,

I managed to go out with the OH last night and had my wig on…jeez I could have ripped it off at any point during the night as your friends are right - it did feel like having a great big otter (ha ha ha) stuck to my head! I was glad to get home and the 1st thing I did was take it off!!! Much prefer going commando at home and feeling no pressure to look normal!

I had shoulder length hair until this ‘episode’ and had it cut off to a bob about 4 weeks ago (just b4 chemo started) and I have got a wig the same length so people don’t notice as much. Take your time in the shop and enjoy!

Good look for your op on monday and looking forward to hearing from you soon

Take care

Anita xxx

PS Good luck to all on treatment next week.

Hi Lily

I had my portacath inserted through my neck then attached to my main vein and then routed through to under my arm. I never had any problems with my neck. They kept my portacath attached (had the operation on the Friday and started the chemo on the Monday) as it would have been too tender at that stage to take it out and then put it in again. That was 3.5 years ago and has never caused me any discomfort. I still get far more discomfort when I go for my 3 monthly CT scans when they try to find a vein!

Good luck

sorry I have not replied sooner, I picked up a Trojan Horse while on the site and the anti virus thing took over and by the time it was fixed I was tired.Has this happened to any of you?Anita I hope you and the ‘otter half ’ enjoyed the meal out!!
I also have just past the shoulder length hair and had been advised by the BC nurse to go to chin length. I plan to try the cold cap but understand it is much worse in hot weather. My chemo is only 30 mins due to the port but I have to sit there for another 2 hours with the fridge on my head. It will be tough to sit it out but I plan to have at least one try. I had a great time in the wig shop and was delighted to be told that my hospital pay the difference up to £200 for the wigs, unlike others nearby so I could have what I felt happy with. The first few were hysterical, I looked cross between Mark Owen from Take That and Brian Connelly from Sweet (going back a bit there). Then I found the most fab chin length bob called ‘audrey’ , what a name, with those nice wispy pointy bits that my normal hair just doesn’t agree to do and also a much longer dark one with highlights that just made myself look more like me, if you know what I mean. The lady was great and even took me outside to check I liked them in the daylight. Everyone except the dog (who would probably eat them) has tried them on and wants one. They are probably just trying to make me feel lucky and they did! Now I plan to get my hair done as similar as poss to the short wig and try to wear it for short spells. Will keep you posted on that one.
Thanks pinkdove, I am good about this now but will be a jelly on Monday when I get there as usual. I think finding the vein will be my biggest worry. Last time they went straight through 2 veins and burst themand then asked if they could gas me instead and then put the cannula in. I may ask to be gased this time, it was actually much better. I quite enjoyed shouting ‘I’m still here’ and he shouted back ’ turn it up’ and I finally shouted ’ I’m going, byeee’ and then I was in recovery.
Thanks for the help and good wishes. Hope you are going well right now
Lily x

op done and feeling rather fragile today, I actually felt better on the day after the op. I think the tight dressings are causing the problem. Anyone else have this? I am not sure I have what I thought I was getting, because there is something else behind the bandage on my neck. I was shown a picture of an imported port below the skin of the chest. I have a vague recollection of the anaethetist saying I wonder why you’re having a central line too. Does anyone know what is going on?
Lily x