Portacath - pls help

I had my port fitted in May and to date have had no problems,other than nurses failing to get access. So sorry you have had so many problems and as I now have no veins they can really access I understand you wanting to keep it.
I have never had emla cream or cold spray used.The normal procedure is clean the area of skin over and around the port with anaethetic,access the port with the gripper needle,test to see it is working by drawing blood and then start treatment.Following zometa and saline it is then flushed with 5ml heparized saline.When needle is removed the port is just covered with a plaster which I remove the next day. When I am having zometa I go to chemo unit the previous day for blood test ,they access port and take bloods and then cover the needle completely with a large dressing which I then keep in until I go for treatment next day.
Hope this helps and really hope you manage to sort the problem.

L xx

Hi liz,

i wonder if it has nothing to do with the procedure but to some underlying cause from when the port was inserted. I did know someone with a similar problem and she ended up in hospital on three occasions with infections. When they decided to remove the port after six months they found the source of infection was around stitches that should have dissolved but did not and she was allergic to the thread that was used to anchor the port.


Haya, Sorry that you are having such a tough time. My chemo team give me Emla cream to put on an hour before i arrive in the morning. They the double glove and gown-up and then they swab the area with this orange liquid which kills bacteria etc, they then use a hand ( unlike Dawn’s who use a gripper tool) to feel for the port then they just push it in, there is no pain. Like Dawn’s team they then check for a blood return and before poutting any tubes etc onto the end everything is wiped about 10 times first. When they take it all out they clean, clean , clean… having said that MRSA, CDIFF and infections are non-existant here( I don’t live in the UK ) . They are also flushing and they clean with herceptin ( i think) before they finish and put a plaster on me. Sounds like your team need to sharpen up on infection control… good luck for your next visit…xxx

Hi all I was one of the portacath fans until mine did develop a dvt in myjugular resulting in a week long stay in hospital and blood-thinning jabs every day for life now. And back to the hassle of trying to find a vein every time now. If you get ANY pain at all, please do get it checked ASAP. I was due to go on holiday 2 days before my clot was discovered which probably would have been fatal. Don’t mean to scare everyone, I was a huge fan of my port and in most cases they’re fine x

Thank you all for your help and advice regarding my portacath.
Had phone call from BCN today to see how I’m feeling as my treatment is due next Friday. Think she was checking to see if I was still going ahead with it! Anyway, I am going to collect some Emla cream before treatment to see if this will help. She said that it is much better than the cold spray but it does make me wonder why this has never been mentioned to me and I only became aware of Emla via this forum!
Dawn, interesting point you made about insertion of port as BCN also mentioned to me that she has spoken to the Dr that did the insertion about my infections and he was quite concerned apparently because he said that infections usually occur for some reason due to something that happens during the initial procedure. He might be in contact with me about this now that he has been made aware of the situation. Will wait and see.
Needless to say my fingers are crossed that treatment next week goes smoothly.
Liz x

Hi ladies
Just an update on my portacath which has been a very testing time for me. Since last posting in July the port has been working really well and treatments have been great. However, my last treatment resulted in some yellow fluid coming out with the needle which was swabbed and blood cultures came back clear. Then, at the weekend the skin around my port broke down and has resulted in a hole which shows the port and is leaking fluid. Saw my cons on Tuesday and am now waiting for an appt to have the port removed as it is an open wound which is prone to infection so, obviously the port cannot be used anymore. Apparently, this is an extremely rare thing to happen but that doesn’t make me feel any better at the moment. They are planning on reinserting a smaller port somewhere else in my chest but this can’t be done for at least six weeks after the removal of this one so I will have to endure them trying to find a vein for two treatments - oh joy!
As you can imagine, I am really apprehensive about having to go through the insertion again and the fear of infections but as I’m on iv treatment indefinitely, and my veins are useless, I don’t feel as though I have much option. Putting a smile on my face for friends and family but feeling a bit cheesed off with it all at the moment. Some things are certainly sent to try us
Liz x

Hi NannieSpiky

I’m sorry to hear that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the other users will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime if you need some extra support or just to talk things through do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can talk with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator