I’m about to start chemotherapy next Wednesday. FEC x3 then tax x3. I’m literally petrified of what is going to happen to me and how ill I’ll be. Has anyone got anything nice to share …I’m not expecting amazing excitement obviously … but good days??
Hello Emma
I have chemo 3 on tuesday. It has been much better than I feared. I have never been even nauseus. I have 2 days of being really tired on day 3 and 4, then back to normal…nothing else really except hair loss. The booklet scared the **** out of me, but try to keep an open mind and not expect everything on the list.
i hope this helps you. I have been able to go out, drive car, do gardening…not bed bound by any means. Once you have got through first one you feel better about it. Xx
Thank you so much, hearing stories like this helps me so much. Had visions of myself bed bound for weeks on end. I hope your treatment continues to go well for you xx
Hi Emma,
I totally empathise I felt the same at the beginning, I think it’s the not knowing.
I’ve done the same as you are about to have, 3x FEC 3 x T I am just about to have my 5th cycle on Thursday, the FEC made me very nauseous but after a week I start to feel better, Tax, no nausea but the aches and pains which last about 5 days and then feel better. Yes lost all my hair, buy head scarfs and soft headwear so you’re prepared. I shaved mine after my second chemo as my head was very sore. Yes I agree the leaflets are very scary. But just go with how your body feels and rest when you need to, drink plenty of fluids and fruit, try to get out even for the a short walk or potter in the garden if you have one. I’ve been riding in between treatments, had the odd glass of wine when I feel well and I go back to work in between. goodluck hope it goes well.xx
I’ve just had my first chemo same therapy as you this Tuesday. Felt a bit sick today and tired but generally not too bad. Not as bad as ecodvyrf think the second one might be slightly more tiring but as flower 2016 above says been out and about today despite feeling sickly. Am happy to give you my email if you want someone to chat to. I’m up for looking for positives esp when hair loss kicks in xx
I finished my chemo this time last year had 6 FEC, the only advice a can give is, be kind to yourself, listen to ur body and everyone reacts different to it, hopefully you be okay, but any side effects you must tell your oncologist because they add extra drugs into the mix to help combat side effects, you be fine just take it one day at a time xx
Hi Emma, I’ve just finished fec chemo. It’s not nice clearly but as long as you can factor in naps when you want during the first week, that is a great help. I was sometimes, once on day one each time but usually because I had taken sickness pills too late. By day 6 of each cycle I was feeling almost back to normal and from then was feeling good til the next cycle! I got scan results at the end and were very good-so keep thinking positively of that to come xx