Positive stories about bone mets!

Hi @inmybones

I know we all react differently to medication but it does seem to be a good combination. My oncologist when trying to be positive said it was gold standard treatment!! You read all the side affects and the bad experience posts and its easy to think it’ll be horrible (and was hard in for the first few months) but there are clearly lots of people it does work for so I hope you can join that group and find it works for you.

It is a bit of a cliche saying live life each day and unless you’re in the sitution we are I don’t think you can truely understand that sentiment. I totally relate to your point about stopping worrying about things, I’ve found the same - suddenly lots of things I used be anxious about are now irelevant concerns!

Keep enjoying the well days :wink:


I was told 5 experts looked at my CT scan, I guess this was one reason why my diagnosis was delayed by one and half weeks


@cubby - this made me think of this quote ‘ Any Idiot Can Face a Crisis; It’s This Day-To-Day Living That Wears You Out’ Not saying we’re all idiots, but I get the sentiment of this! When I had by breast cancer diagnosis, I was focussed on getting through that, and put other decisions and concerns second.


Thank you for your kind words, Cubby xx

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Thank you for your kind advice.
I can’t really get away as my dog hates travelling!
I might dig out some of my unfinished cross stitch kits! Xx

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My CT scan appointment letter has come through.
I feel even worse now as it makes it all real.
What is wrong with me?
I feel I’ve been thrown right back to my original diagnosis in 2011 but at least there was some hope then, as it was a primary.
There won’t be a happy ending this time :sweat:

Hi Hope44441

We must have similar thoughts, I have a ton of sewing stuff that I ‘attack’ every few weeks when I have to ‘rest up’! :laughing:

I’m currently cross stitching a bee on a flower for my granddaughter Bea and I find it takes my mind off things for a while. I hope you manage to finish your embroidery Hope44441 :+1::+1:

I’m having radiation on my femur a week Wednesday then I’ll hear what tablets they’ve changed as my current ones haven’t done what they should have!

So, keep positive everyone and I hope all goes well for you all.


I paid for a private MRI of my shoulder while waiting for NHS appointments, in the hope that my lytic lesion is something other than Mets.
I received a call from the private firm arranging an online appointment with one of their doctors at 7.30am on Sunday.
I received a reminder email this morning to remind me of my ‘Urgent report call’!
I feel this can only be bad news :sweat:

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Hi all,
First time on here.
I have secondary breast cancer which has gone to liver and now bones.
I’ve been on Ribociclib for over a year alongside letrozole and monthly denosumab injections.
Quality of life has been good and I play tennis and open water swim. More recently days of extreme tiredness and some pain in ribs.
Awaiting scan results next week which I have every 3 months.
My relationship is struggling atm which is difficult. I feel unattractive (thinning hair etc).
And I can’t seem to relate to my partner atm.
Sometimes I feel very alone coping which is why I’m reaching out.

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Hi Nicolae54
I’m so sorry you’ve got secondaries and understand how it can unsettle your whole life and family.
I had breast cancer in 2008 (mastectomy, chemo etc).
In 2017 it returned on my spine (T12) and has returned this month and is on my lower lumbar (L3, 4, 5 and coccyx), both hips and is munching away at my right femur’s bone marrow.
So, I understand your fears but please try to take control by not letting the cancer stop you from doing what you want to do. If you feel well, then do things that make you happy (especially with your partner).
If you’re having a bad day, then do what you can but, accept it as a bad day, but know that a good day will come.
Stay positive and you’ve lots of friends on here! x

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Thank you for your prompt reply. I really am
trying to live life to the fullest. I have wonderful support from friends and family.
I just needed to reach out to people going through the same or similar who fully understand.
It really helps.