Hi all, I had a right side mastectomy and axillary clearance on Monday. They put an expander implant in at the same time and all went well. I was stiff to start with but have a lot more movement now. I still have one drain in that seems to be collecting a fair bit but it’s been fine. However, today it’s really quite itchy and the stitch is pulling loads. It will come out tomorrow as it’ll be day 6 post op. Should I be worried about the itch. I’m so scared that my implant will end up infected and I’ll have to have it out again.
Hi, I had my mastectomy and ANC 2 weeks ago but my drains were taken out after just one night. Where the entry wound was for one of them I did experience itchiness. The mastectomy wound showed no sign of redness and there was a little rash around drain site, but did not look like infection to me. I took some piriton and it stopped. Had it for a couple days and now ok. It may be slight reaction to the drain tube. I would try piriton and if it does not get better see a doctor straight away in case there is an infection. Itchiness is sometimes a sign of healing…as long as there is no redness/swelling.
I had an tissue expander after mastectomy nearly 6 weeks ago. I had lots of itching but that was a reaction the the antibiotics. But I know that itch at the wound after an op is a sign of healing so I don’t think it is anything to worry about. My temporary implant is fine and I have had two to ups so I have just one more to go and then my replacement with permanent implant will be in the new year. It is a bit tight for a few days after each top up but manageable with regular paracetamol. I took two tablets before each to up as advice by another lady on the forum and it was a great help. Hope all goes well for you