Hi fiona well you truly are an inspiration and what a great surgeon you have.Some ladies have the reduction done at the same time but I have been told that they have to wait until the new boob has settled and then they can match things up.Although I cant hear your voice you sound like a teenager again in your posts and the excitement and happiness shines through. It sounds a bit like getting your first bra all that excitement and glamour.its great though to hear you sound so happy as I think we all go through months of torture wondering whether we should go ahead and if it will be worth it and all the time it takes to recover.I swim a couple of times every week and take walks as much as possible bit stuck on the weight at the moment but hey we have had christmas, I have lost 12 1bs but would like to lose another half a stone. I probarly will through pure worry. I am so looking forward to having a flat stomach again although as I swim tummy muscles are quite good, but it should help with my dress size.Anyway take care and great progress well done .love suzan x
Hi FLF you replied to me a few weeks ago and I have saved this discussion to my profile, you are such an inspiration and are being so helpful to me! I’m so glad to hear that you are doing well!
I am keeping up to date with your brilliant posts and its making me kind of look forward to getting in and on with it. I haven’t posted since my initial questions as I’m waiting to go in and have my ovaries removed / hysterectomy first. Hopefully that will be in the next few weeks. I think my brain is only allowing me to focus on one thing at a time!
Thanks for your posts I have so many questions about this DIEP op, but you have answered so many for me already! Where abouts are u? I’m North East.
Emma x
Hi Emma - I am so glad my posts are helping. Sometimes feels like I am waffling on but if it helps even one person then I feel better! My other half always says I talk too much.
You can only focus on one thing at a time, your brain will overload otherwise! But anything I can help with…my hysterectomy seems like so far away now - 10 years is I guess!
I am in South East (Bucks) but maybe a meet int he middle or something. I am up to Co Durham around Easter as that is where my mum was from if that is close to you. I come up every year.
Todays update is I am actually in an underwired bra as the soft bras were hurting me! But the underwired doesn’t! I have had to ‘fill’ with the softie I got from after the mastectomy until my new order of ‘bra enhancers’ arrives. Knew I would need these as my new Boob is about 2 cm less in depth to the old one. I am not sorry to be possibly having a small reduction!! Makes clothes easier to wear!
Hope all are well and not too down in January! Think of the light nights starting to edge in…
Love to all
Hi! Day 33! Am still doing really well. Had a couple of questions answered which I thought I would pass on: 1) wearing a bra at night carries on until 6 wkd post op. Able to start yoga / exercise classes etc 6 wks post op. Tape on the new boob - stays on mon - fri for 3 mths post op but comes of sat & sun & oil to be massaged in.
My walking is going really well. No pain at all although tiny inch right in middle of tummy taking a while to heal. Wearing loose jeans and sleeping normally. I do still get really tired fairly quickly which frustrates me. But 4 weeks post op is not really that long. 2.5 wks til back to work - that will be interesting. Falling asleep at the desk should be amusing!!!
Good to hear from you FLF!
I think my oophorectomy date is going to be 28 Feb then meeting surgeon for DIEP flap on 28 March, thought it would be done sooner just want it over with! Breast Care Nurse said it could be another 16 weeks after 28th March though for my op!
It’s a shame you are so far away. I have just booked to go to the Penny Brohn Centre in Bristol but that’s still at the opposite side of the country!
You sound like you are doing really well, I’m still dreading my drains though, its all I can think about, stupid really in the grand scheme of things!
I can’t believe you are sleeping normally too! I thought you’d be propped up with pillows everywhere!
Keep up the posts!
Emma x
Hi Emma - Bristol is not so far. Once I am back driving normally I would love to come over. Please don’t worry about the drains. You will hardly notice them I promise. By the time you are coming back to normal the drains will be out. If I am wrong the bottle of wine is my treat!!! If you want I can give you my email / phone no & we can chat that way too. If you do email me via here. Speak soon - Fiona x
That would be great Fiona, nice to speak to someone who has been there and done it!
Well we’re in Bristol from the 8-10 Feb if you fancy a road trip!
If not I will look forward to speaking/emailing you. There’s a Breast Reconstruction talk on the 19 Jan, my surgeon is holding it, will be nice to finally see who he is!
Hi all
Well in case you are wondering about my absence, I’ve been offline for a few weeks but thankfully today my internet is back.
I was supposed to be having my op on 4 Jan but when I went to the hospital to book in, I was informed the op had been postponed owing to the fact that I had 6 fractured ribs!
I don’t know how that happened, but it did so I’m being treated now for osteoporosis.
The op has been rescheduled for 01 Feb, all being well when my next xray/scan shows the ribs are better.
So, keep on posting FLF your news is very encouraging.
Oh Peacock!! How could you not know?? You poor thing, thinking of you and hoping all goes according to plan so you get your op in Feb. Stay in contact and fingers and everything else crossed for you.
Hi Girls
Am feeling a bit twitchy today.
DIEP in 2 days GULP! Bags are packed with massive knickers and pjs and tracky bums 2 sizes too big. Got my kindle,nano and knitting, and crochet if the knitting needles are too long and interfere with the drains. Bought loads of dog food to last a month, chilli con carne is in the freezer. Think I’m covered. Still can’t bear the thought of someone washing my bits, though…
Luv nicky x
PS I really feel for you, Peacock. Don’t know what I’d do if mine got cancelled. Big hugs
Nicky x
PPS maybe big hugs aren’t the best idea at the moment. Hurry up and mend x
Nicky - good luck! You will be grateful for the wash & the nurses are so subtle. Honest. Will be thinking of you. Let us know when you are home xxxxx
Hi Nicky, just want to wish you luck for the op, keep us informed I am getting quite twitchy myself with just over a week to go.
My OH will be going back to work 15 days after the op so I’m concerned about what I will be able to do with regards to cooking, walking (we have 2 dogs) getting up and down the stairs etc.
Hope FLF is making good progress
Good luck to everyone
Thanks Girls
I’ll let you know all the mucky details! Yes, my dogs a worry too, and the cooking. My OH is rubbish at cooking, still he thinks he’s good. Think I’ll survive on chocolate
Off in an hour!
Nicky xxx
Hope you are ok Nicky and FLF your recovery is still progressing.
My last posting before Op, if it goes ahead (need an xray when I get to the hospital tomorrow to confirm), didn’t sleep much last night so m getting quite anxious about what is about to happen.
Still, this time next week it will hopefully all be over.
Hi Girls
I’m feeling fabulous! All went well with my op on the 22nd Jan. Came home a week later. The worst bit? having to carry your drains around and boredom in hospital, its different being bored at home. drains came out finally on sat morning which allowed me to escape. Having my bits washed was not bad at all but I was glad I only had to have 2 bed baths. As soon as the catheter was removed I was up when I wanted to be and doing for myself.
The best bit? the nurses were all fantastic. The way I feel significantly better each day, I know I’m making progress.
I shall never take certain things forgranted again, such as washing hair and having a shower. I shall soon add going for a walk to the list as I’m about to set off on my first unassisted wander since the op, wish me luck!!!
Nicky xxx
Nicky that is absolutely brilliant! So pleased for you. Was waiting to hear how you had got on, and that has really cheered me up! Keep going.
Hi there
Walk was great even though it was minus dog. did another one today, was fab to be out in the sunshine!!! Its easier to walk during the first half of the day as the tummy tends to tighten much more in the afternoon. Will be attempting to shove a chicken in the oven later. Can get my own lunch easily, son not always at home as he commutes to uni, and as long as its easy (microwaveable) its ok.
Can’t wait to walk the dog but am certainly not there yet as she needs to be reminded not to pull.
Check up with plastic surgeon tomorrow. What a busy life…now what dvd shall it be this afternoon?
Nicky x
Hi Ladies, have been lurking here for some months and thought I would show my face and say hello. I am having a DIEP on Valentines day having had it cancelled in November due to a sore throat, as you can imagine I was devistated. Anyway here we are again, a week away. A couple of questions if I may, I live on my own, friends will be popping in during the day but I will be on my own at night, do you think I will cope OK, I am very independant usually but this procedure seems so huge.Will I be able to get upstairs? Also how long before I can get my arms up and wash and dry my hair.
Sure I will come up with a milion more questions this week but just breaking you in gently!
Thanks everyone