Ive been on Tamoxifen for just over 12 months (having had a grade 3 breat cancer in 2008, aged 28yrs, treated with chemo, radio and herceptin). I am coping well with this, just got used to side effects etc, and my consultant has advised that new research shows that arimidex has a 2-4% better result for preventing breast cancer recurrance!
In order to have arimidex, you have to have your ovaries shut down, either by having them removed or by having zoladex injections. I am rather sceptical about this as was planning on starting a family as soon as I finished Tamoxifen. I may even come off tamoxifen earlier, which is what was originally suggested by my MDT team. I am concerned about the effects of 3-5 yrs on zoladex. My consultant agreed that there is no guarentee that my ovaries will work afterwards.
Has anyone else who is pre-menopausal, been offered arimidex/gone down this road?
Not Arimidex for me but Tamoxifen and Zoladex. I had both for the first 13 months of my hormone treatment post surgery,chemo and radio.
Zoladex is not pleasant.It has long term side effects years after stopping it. I had to stop having it because it was ruining any quality of life I had. I could barely get out of bed and walk down the house stairs while I was having both drugs. I was only 32 at the time!! I remember feeling old before my time and so exhausted,achey and unhappy.
So, after 13 months of Zoladex injections I stopped it and carried on with Tamoxifen only. I have been on Tamoxifen for 5yrs and 3 months and actually took my last pill yesterday! Yes, it’s rough to begin with - and for me it was rough for about 3 years, but after that I think I just got used to it.
I have since been offered the Zoladex again and to start Armidex with it BUT the Zoladex has thinned down my bones so much that it’s now not appropriate to start it again OR go on Arimidex as drugs like that ( arimitase inhibitors ) can thin down your bones further.
So, I am now flying solo - that is - completed my 5 years and I am now 38. It is scary being left with nothing to fall back on, but I will sit tight and continue to be seen annualy, get annual mammo’s and stay vigilant for any changes.
Good luck with whatever you decide. I wish you well. x