I thought I was lucky when I had my DIEP reconstruction, done under my employer’s health insurance plan. The result has been quite successful; however the reconstructed breast is bigger than my unaffected breast. The solution seems obvious, reduce the reconstructed breast to gain balance….oh no it’s not that simple. It appears that (and I’m sure this will apply to others so beware!)they will enlarge, reduce and/or uplift a ‘normal healthy breast’ but it appears that they will not pay for any alteration AT ALL on the reconstructed breast. Isn’t that just bizarre!
I really thought I’d researched everything as well as I could before entering into this operation. But now am left in limbo with one boob bigger than the other! I am going down the complaints procedure but have been declined twice now. Has anyone else experienced this and managed to get the situation resolved? Please, please let me know as I’m desperate and would really appreciate any assistance I can be given.