Private medical insurance through work

Hi everyone,

Not sure how many of you have private medical insurance through work. I’m lucky to have it and have been receiving private treatment.

I’m a bit confused by all the authorizations I need to get. I was told all changes will need to be reported to the insurance company, but some of the changes are reported by the nurses (change of treatment etc.) and I’ve never had problems with it. The only one I have been doing is asking for authorization code before each scan is due.

What happens to the insurance if I decide to take early retirement?? Would I stay on the same insurance policy??

I appreciate different insurance company have different policies, but would like to hear your experiences (good or bad).

Thanks in advance.

M xx

If you leave work, the part of your income that paid for the PMI stops. You may be able to continue payments yourself but it’ll be expensive - speak to the company.

Hi m1yu,

I think most people will be given the option to continue the private healthcare and pay for it themselves. Alright if you have the dosh, otherwise, not great…

Oops - posted at same time as Ninja!


I left my job in Feb this year, finding the long hours and Femara didn’t go together very well and I had private medical cover through work.

Anyway before I left I rang Bupa as I wanted continuous cover because I knew that if I took a break I doubted that I would get cover for the cancer or a premium that I could afford.

I was diagnosed 8 years ago and after my 5 years of Tamoxifen and half way through 5 years of Femara. Anyway I elected to continue with my cover, had to take an excess of £500 to get a prem of £220 per month. The trouble is my appointments and mammogram total less than £500 so I have to pay that anyway.

I would point out that the policy I was offered did not have the same terms as my company policy which included almost everything.

It is very difficult but I intend to use my cover for cancer only and will use the NHS for anything else as under the terms of my policy I have to pay for any consultations before diagnosis on anything that is not cancer related.

Each company is different and there are many options.


M1u, My hubby had company cover when I was DX.
All treatment has been on our family cover.
He decided to move job, the new company did not use the same insurer but they agreed to top up his pay with a contribution to us paying for continuation with the existing company “Pruhealth”. We now pay directly and did as much as possible to match the same benifits we had before. I only carry £150 excess a year.
3 years in this has even covered mamos. They have said at some point (5 years?) it will become classed as, I guess prevention, rather than measuring, and as such I will have to pay for those.
I like Hazel Mary put everything else through NHS (bad asthmatic) as dont want to have our premium constantly bumped up - everyone else in the family is on warning to stay healthy!
My bills to them have covered in a 3-4 year perod; WLE, rads, mamos, Maxoplexi??? (boob lift and reduction), partial reconstruction with LD flap and now a finishing off proceedure for the flap as all the jobs couldn’t be done at the same time due to poor blood supply to the area.They have been a good company to work with.

Thanks for all your experiences and advice.

Sounds like the best thing for me is to carrying on working for as long as possible to keep the insurance for now.

When I’m too sick to work, just have to pay for it out of my own pocket. With me having secondaries and require regular PET scan (very expensive) and the benefit of much quicker appointments than the NHS, I think it’s worth the money (just have to make sure BUPA will cover it when I switch!!).

