Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

You too Beth and Clare with BCNs, thought it was just me.  Yes, I’ve just sent off my questionnaire on my Trusts cancer services.  Have to say with regard to speed etc it was first class, for example, saw my gp in the morning about my lump and got a telephone call later that day from the breast clinic offering an appointment for following week.  On being given my diagnosis consultant looked at his diary and said he could operate 16 days later.  At the end of the form it asked for any comments and I said that I was disappointed with my BCN.


im hoping the reason we haven’t heard anything from Delly and Sue is that they’re too busy having a lovely time.  You can’t help getting a bit like a mother hen when one of our girls goes AWOL for  a while though xx

Yes Charys, you did sort out what my blackheads were, the little blighters  are still with me, though not quite so many xx

I wouldn’t deal with the BCN s over the phone and always communicated by email. At various points I couldn’t have talked on the phone because I just would have cried. In the end I emailed my named BCN and said I felt lost and abandoned and no-one was telling me anything. That seemed to trigger some sort of panic, after that she was always emailing me, she arranged the counselling, I had a long session with her to discuss all the issues. And while I was doing rads she emailed twice a week to find out how I was doing. But I’d also said I was going to PALS to make a complaint because of all the times they should have been talking to me and didnt, so that was probably part of it as well.

Once I’d really told them how bad it was all making me feel, they did make a real effort, to be fair, even the forgetful oncologist suddenly became human and muttered something about communication failures, which I think was almost an apology.


I think the follow up after diagnosis and surgery could be so much better, and I wish someone would create a system for us to get GP and practice nurse appointments as a priority.

Lesley, I wish I could say the same about speed, it took seven weeks from the dodgy mammogram to get diagnosed officially, another four weeks to surgery, four weeks to the next operation and ten weeks after that to rads. So I’ve just finished treatment and my annual mammogram is five months away.


Part of the problem causing all the delay was the system of sharing procedures across two hospitals so every time I got referred from one to the other there was another ten day wait for the appointment. And they referred me to the surgeon despite an inconclusive biopsy, and he just referred me straight back for another biopsy. So that surely was completely predictable and preventable.


I think I was unlucky with the timing, because most of the delays were caused by them going on holiday, summer is obviously not a good time to need medical treatment.

I love the colours in your tapestry Helena! Now we know what you’re doing, sitting like the Lady of Shalott. Though I think she wove her pictures now I think about it.

Are you going to frame it and hang it?

Hello lovelies,
you’ve been busy chatting away today I was really lucky with my bcn I never actually spoke to my named one but I had a lovely lady who I always got to talk to or she’d always ring me back. She also said don’t bother with a gp because half the time they don’t know the answers. My consultant is a really funny guy and some people might not like that but I found him honest and openx my hubby however said this is serious why is he joking.
Also I never had anything feed back wise to fill in.
Rubycat I was under the impression suncream and covering up is for ever xx
What ever is happening with Sue at least she has Delly with her.
We’ll be at 5000 before you know it :smiley:
Helena I love your tapestry how beautiful xx
I’m off for a soak in the bath as I’m shattered. We’ve been to Knowlton Church, lunch in Wimborne and Kingston Lacey for a long walk round and hubby got me a hot chocolate as it was freezing.
Catch ya later xxxxx

Very pretty Ladybowlerxx


I was under the impression it was for ever to protect against sunburn  and was told the rads keep on workng for several years too, I know thats not terribly clear, but maybe one of you could ask?


re Sue, Delly and the brushed cat, my guess is they have been indulging themselves and what a good idea…its a mini holiday for Delly and im under the impression… long overdue.xx


much love and hugs…Moijan?

So funny Ruby.  Is that Lucille Ball in the picture?  I’m taking it that’s it’s not actually your friend xx

Hello you busy lot and Rubycat both the picture and story made me laugh out loud. Lovely tapestry Helena. I started an alphabet cross-stitch for my daughter nearly 22 years ago. It still has only 5 letters!
How’s your armpit today Lesley? I think I’ve just had my first “old me” day. I met my school friend for lunch. We think it’s about half way between her in London and me in Devon. I survived driving myself there and back (enjoying a quick stop off at Clarks Village in Street for a bit of retail therapy) and it was lovely easy chat. We ate at The Pig, which was very lovely and have decided to surprise book the Pig Honiton for OH’s birthday in a couple of weeks.
Dizzy I remember reading your posts with horror at the way you were treated when you were going through diagnosis. I found my surgeon to be the warmest professional I met and she did a great job twice. I’ve seen 3 oncologists now and also feel I’ve learned more from this site. Hugs to all of you and hoping for a check in from Sue and Delly xx

Oh it’s Delly’s birthday…
Ruby that’s so funny thank goodness your friend has nice neighbours.
Lily that’s awful that’s so rude!! I really don’t understand why people become drs / nurses if they don’t have empathy. I remember reading an article not.long ago about a bcn who was diagnosed with bowel cancer and she wrote to say sorry about not listening enough or taking her patients worries as seriously as she should it was amazing to read.
Helena enjoy your takeaway and wine I’m on earl Grey tea tonight :smiley:
Lots of love and hugs Clair xxxx

Sounds like a lovely day Janey, hope you’re not too tired after all that driving.  Armpit the same and boob is aching too now.


Many happy returns of the day Delly, hope you’re having fun celebrating your birthday with Sue.


Feeling nice and relaxed after spag bols and garlic bread, bet we stink but as we’ve both eaten it can’t smell it.    Tapestry is beautiful but I can hardly sew a button on so wouldn’t attempt even a simple one.   I’ll stick with the knitting, though I’ve started something that I was told was simple and turns out it’s anything but so I’ll need some help soon from my lovely knitting ladies next week.  


Cant stop yawning and tempted to go to bed with my book but it’s a bit early yet xx


I thought that I hadn’t heard you talk about this before. Yes, it’s not a lot to ask that they treat everyone the way they’d want to be treated themselves. Sending you squishy hugs?


Janey, that sounds like a real morale booster of a day, it must be nice to remember the “old me” is still there somewhere.

I think I found my old me yesterday trying clothes on and not thinking about hiding away in them. But I love looking at clothes.


Have a good cry Lily, just hope it doesent bring on a headache.  I really really try not to cry as always gives me one.  Talking of which, my daily friend has arrived, So painkillers and bed for me now, but before I go, just to reiterate what everyone here has just said, this site is great for getting it all out, advise, support as well as a good old laugh.  It’s amazing the difference in the treatment and care we’ve all received.  I really think my treatment could not have been better, it’s when it stopped that it all fell down.  As soon as I had my last rad feel like I’ve been abandoned, but hey, Got you lot  to get me through.


Night all,  Wishing you all a peaceful night and hopefully sweet dreams xx

Lots of hugs and love for everyone and gentle head rubs for Lesley.
Night night xxxxx.


know I’m a little late in the day, but didn’t want to go to bed without sending Lily a HUGE hug. This is why our little thread (not so little anymore!) is so very good. We all understand each other. We’ve all been through similar things and most importantly, we all understand. 

Sending a massive cwtch


image.jpgThis is us xxx

Oh gosh, you’re making me feel all teary.

But we do know each other, who needs face to face when we’re doing heart to hearts like this…

That’s great Helena, must have been letting all the emotions out last night in our group counselling session.  I can’t claim 10 hours unfortunately, but once painkillers worked and i dropped off I did get 3.5 hours straight off before first hot flush kicked in and that’s really good for me.


Horrible damp grey day here so having a lazy Sunday.  Read our papers and going to catch up on recorded stuff on telly, jigsaw, Knitting, reading late dinner, soak in bath, perfect winter Sunday.


Busy week coming up, dentist and hygienist in the morning, specialist physio appointment on Tuesday morning about shoulders, and Thursday I’m supposed to be going to a  local Breast cancer group.  The lovely lady who has been giving me acupuncture gave me the details and told them to expect me.  Not sure how I feel about it, but suppose I could give it a try.


Hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday.  Also hope we hear from Delly and Sue soon xx

Hello you lovely soppy lot! You set me off (in a lovely way!) with all your posts and now I’m getting recipe tips! You are an amazing bunch. It’s such a great place to share and to listen.
I didn’t wake up till gone 10, which I think I as down to the drive yesterday. Also the latest I’ve slept since being off work and I go back tomorrow ?
We had a lazy breakfast, as the teens both had friends over - thank you frozen croissants! Now finishing off the roast dinner and will see it disappear like a magic trick, even though I always think it will stretch to two days! Slow cooker has been my good friend recently, with rice pudding and then risotto proving successful, in fact the latter better than when I slavishly stir on the hob!
Hope your Sundays are all lovely. Has anyone had a sighting of Delly or Sue on any other threads? Xx

Delly hasn’t posted anywhere on this site since 11th, I hope it’s just that she and Sue have been enjoying themselves.


Well the sun is shining briefly, the fire is lit and I’m trying to resist my chocolate cravings…