Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Back to work tomorrow Janey, I thought you were off until the end if the month.  Oh heck, bet you’re feeling nervous, though Clair has been the trailblazer and already bitten the bullet.  Ease yourself in gently as you’re still suffering with fatigue.  I’ll be thinking of you xx


All you talking of good has made me peckish so going to put dinner on now.  Slow cookers, brilliant inventions, Im on my third one,  first one was the original crockpot back in the late 70’s.  My mum bought it for me as a moving in present when I left home.  First thing I did in it was a pineapple upside down cake as the recipe came with it.


Hopefully Delly will be back on here tomorrow with tales of her trip xx

Afternoon ladies


oh boy I’m bushed today. Did the food shop this morning and since then I just feel shattered. No energy and a bit stiff when I get up. Can the tamoxifen make you ache a bit? Twingy in the side of my breast and armpit today too so I guess pushing the trolley wasn’t ideal. So many things we used to take for granted are all,now just a little harder to do. 

Last week at home for me and then I go back to work on the 23rd.  Dreading it and looking forward in equal measures. 


I had a little rant on FB earlier. One of my friends had posted a link to a report that soya milk caused breast cancer, with a comment along the lines that she was going to give it up as she had no idea. Between that and the ‘post a :heart: on your homepage to raise awareness’ (…how does it do that exactly??? ) Anyway my tamoxifen level of patience finally ran out ?. It doesn’t ‘cause’ cancer. Yes it’s higher in oestrogen but nowhere in all the bumf and booklets I have been given has it ever mentioned to avoid certain food groups. It’s like this obsession with kale and cancer. Wtf? Sorry it’s really got to me today, this thought process that’s out there that I/we must have done something, eaten something or not eaten enough of something with the end result being I gave myself BC. ??? There’s something on FB almost everyday, some link or game to raise awareness - but ‘don’t tell the men as they wouldn’t understand’…what?? Men can get BC too!!! Grrrr 


I was very polite and restrained and resisted the urge to use capital letters but said my piece. I know ladies who are vegans/vegetarians/ fitness fanatics and they still got BC. As my surgeon said, unless genetic, it’s just bad luck. 

Sorry ladies but this has really peeved my off today. Can you tell?? Lol

think I need to go off and lay down in a darkened room to calm down!!!


Evening Layyyyydeeeeees

Been shopping in Bath today, so love that place. I see there is still no sign of the missing twosome. …I’m also surprised there hasn’t been one log in Dizzy.

The other things I have seen people blame are antiperspirants with aluminium, and reusing plastic water bottles.

In which case why us and not all the other women who do the same?


My other rant, people who think that all breast cancer is the same, all lumpectomies are the same, everyone has a quick bit of surgery and then that’s it…


But it is difficult to know what you should and shouldn’t say to someone with any cancer, people generally mean very well.

Oooooh Countryfile is coming from my neck of the woods tonight! Yayyy

Hello lovelies,
Beth I’m so with you on the fb front I get so cross with the <3 thing and the I’ll unfriend you you if you don’t copy and paste… I held myself back for a while then posted how to check your breast pictures etc saying that <3. Don’t help anything! Since my diagnosis I can’t be doing with nonsense and I just walk away from the drama people create or scroll on down. Xxxx
Janey I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. It’s not half as bad as you’ll think but do take it easy it does take a bit of getting used to. Xxxxx.
Lesley I want a slow cooker but my lot won’t eat any of that stuff that goes in it!!! They’re a pie and mash lot :-D. Xxx
catch you lovely lot later love and hugs Clair xxxx

Dizzy I must be honest I didn’t realise there were so many different types of breast cancer until I was given the info.
I also thought everyone had to have chemo and I was so scared of it I was lucky I didn’t have to have it. I remember being a complete mess and trawling through pages of info and finding this site, at first I scared myself by reading threads I shouldn’t of but then I had some wonderful advice from some lovely ladies I don’t know how I would’ve coped as I physically just couldn’t talk to my friends or family about certain things. I’m getting teary now I can’t believe how different I feel now to then and I still struggle daily.

Hi dizzy 

thank you so much for asking after my mum. She’s still undergoing so many tests, with something else happening tomorrow. Ultimately they’ve now decided that her bad chest is a remnant of the pneumonia and swine flu she had last year; and her swallowing problems they now believe are caused by the lymphoma - a lymph node is enlarged and pressing on her oesophagus. They think they’ll be able to stretch it to make swallowing a bit easier so she can have solid food again. She’s getting by on high calorie shakes and smash potato. Not ideal for building her strength. Anyway she’s been referred back again to the chemo team so we’ll have to wait and see what they say now. 

I still get very frustrated that all these specialist docs don’t seem to talk to one another to formulate a treatment plan. Ive suggested they get PALS involved but she’s not willing. I can’t interfere, even though I’d like to and I have my health to consider too. 

Never a dull moment!!!



Why am I not surprised there’s a physical reason for your mum’s swallowing difficulty, I think they can be a bit quick to assume things are psychological. My mother had a procedure to stretch her oesophagus a couple of years ago, she had a condition that constricted it at the bottom where it goes into the stomach and she had problems swallowing. The results have been really good, they did it at the same time as her endoscopy, so she was conscious but sedated. So I hope your mother will be able to eat solid food soon, I’m sure that will help her quality of life as well as her health.


I was going to say I don’t ever do social media, but maybe someone will say that’s what this is. Anyway, I don’t do Facebook, I’m a bit of a technophobe. I have a smartphone but never give the number to anyone. So if we set up a private Facebook group I’m going to have be to have a crash course in using it.



I’ve never heard before that they can do that to your oesophagus and I’m so pleased that it worked well for your mum. It gives me hope that it’ll work as well for my mum. It’s just a crying shame it’s taken since last July to get to this point as surely they could have concluded this months ago. Look, there’s my frustration rearing it’s head again!! 

Thank you again for being so understanding and supportive. Means a great deal. 


Beth, not sure if it’s the same thing but himself has to have a deflated balloon thing put down his throat into his   oesophagus then they inflate it to stretch it every three years or so as he has a problem with food sticking and causing him to choke.  Apparently it’s not common but not rare for it to happen to people in their 60’s.


I watched Countryfile, and they showed Pembrey Beach at the end, that’s where my sister lives.  If you turn left at the harbour in her village you can walk along the beach into Llanelli, if you turn right you walk along that stretch they showed, it’s beautiful xx

I can’t bear trashy Facebook chain messages, I’m afraid often I do reply to the sender and say sorry I don’t do this complete BS. Not quite with that terminology of course, but it saddens me that grown people are spending time sending such completely superstitious nonsense on to others. Hoaxes, they are another thing that need mentioning here…all sorts of sob stories, scare stories and irrational untruths are spread by people being too keen with posting to their timeline. With those, I look up the hoax on those sites which list them and post that link to timelines. I’m sounding like a right Fb vigilante, but you know I think too often people blindly accept that what is written on the internet is true, and a lack of judgement and questioning can be quite damaging. Anyhow, when my supposed ‘karma angel’ doesn’t appear tonight (yep had a message sent about that yesterday, the usual long winded blarney and asking you to send to 10 people) you’ll know it’s because I moaned and deleted it lol


All the best for tomorrow Janey, it’s going to feel strange…but bit by bit you will wiggle back into your role. Clair has done SO well and Helena has been awesome, even though they have had tiredness and some frustrations…but of course you can share your ‘working people experiences’ on this ere thread now ?


I can’t  remember who else I wanted to reply to, or what about…bum. Ok, so, I’ll just need to wave and say hi everyone else’s and read back again. I always feel a bit of a failure, and like I’m ignoring people when I don’t comment on everyone’s ongoing events…but find it so hard to keep up.

Janey, hope you have a good day tomorrow, we’ll be thinking of you



Morning Janey I’ll be thinking of you today just go with your flow lots of love Clair xxxxx

Good luck Janey xx. Just heading off into the rain for dentist and hygienist appointment.  Have a good day all xx

Thank you oh lovely ones. I shall check in later. Hope your Mondays are good too and Helena it’s your last week ???

Hi, all Im back.  Last time I saw dentist she quoted £600 EACH for two teeth that needed crowns.  Told her today that I can’t afford that kind of money, and if I could I’d use it to fly  to the Caribbean.  Now she’s said, ok, I’ll fill them and that’s covered under your Denplan  insurance.  Now, why do I think she was just trying to screw money out of me?  After I popped into the hairdressers to see if they had any standby appointments (10% cheaper). Only the owner who is the senior stylish was available so was expensive.  Good cut but, my hair is curly, just needs a hairdryer whizzed over it with a diffuser.  He scrunched and blew, scrunched and blew, the result looks like a cross between Bonnie Langford and Kevin Keegan back in the days of his Afro!  Popped in to see himself on his Mondays play date of a pint and dominoes.  He tried to keep a straight face while saying, your hair looks nice and one of his friends asked me if I came on a motorbike?  


Thinking of you Janey of your first day back, and Helena tossing another one off.  Clair also at work, Beth just beginning her last week of freedom.  Lily, Dizzy, Rubycat and Charys, just thinking of you cos you’re lush, and everyone else too.  Hoping to hear from Delly and Sue today xx

Well good afternoon! My first three hours tossed off a la Lady Helena and a positive meeting, with lots of reassurance of support, which had previously been missing! My only other work this week is a team meeting at mine on Wednesday and it will be lovely to see them all. Lots of messages today to welcome me back.
My haircut last week and dentist tomorrow and doctor for blood results, so a busy one. Feeling stupid tired now but think that may have been because I was anxious.
I hope your Mondays have been kind - I have sparkling window envy Dizzy. Love to all and thank you for support. I feel like sometimes we go around with each other virtually cheerleading is on! Xx


yr post really made me giggle today. I remember years ago having a haircut and loving it. I went home and hubby said I looked like Lisa stansfield and couldnt stop laughing. He laughed so much I jumped in the shower in a complete strop to wash it and sort it out. We still laugh about it now. Looking back, it was an awful haircut!


helena - almost there now!!! Get that bell ready!


janey - well done for going back to work!! Massive step forward completed. I hope I have yr strength next week. 


Im still feeling shattered and achy. Feels like my bones are aching. Taken Mac out for a walk but I’m exhausted now. Off to a ‘Look Good Feel Better’ afternoon tomorrow in the Maggie’s Centre in the hospital. Looking forward to seeing what it’s all about. It’ll be the furthest I’ll have driven too. Going to be interesting!!


sending hugs to you all


Rubycat sending you hugs and hope for you today. What a horrible worrying time for you and Beth. Charys your frustration shot out of that post! It’s so hit and miss the advice we are given. As for those bells Helena I think the ringing for you would win a camponology competition. Lesley started the bells off when I got through, as Kary’s radiology department had a bell to ring after the last session. It’s been a long time coming for you Helena! Xx