Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hi all,

One of my little Chrissy presents was a ‘quotes for women by women book’. They are really good, I think…heres a couple…

‘Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the titanic who waved off the dessert trolley’
Erma Bombeck

‘The most courageous act is still to think for yourself…aloud.’
Coco Chanel

‘The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away’

Barbara Kingsolver

They wasn’t a couple. …it was three lol

Loving the quotes - not sure I’ve ever waved off a dessert trolley though! The third one is very true and those that hold your hand are precious!
Ann, just for the record - what a woman! X

Hi, thanks you all fir your good luck eishes, and Charys, living this quotes xx


The Extended Scope Practioner gave me a good Going over.  Said under normal circumstances he would give me an injection immediately on left side, however because of the BC he was very reluctant to, said it carried a risk of infection and needed to speak to my oncologist (good luck with that matey, he was totally disinterested in me).  I told him that I’d already checked with a BCN and they said there was a risk but it was a small one and a frozen shoulder was intolerable (tell me about it!) so had to be done.  He took me to reception and requested an immediate X-ray, which I had, and told me to phone for a telephone appointment with him at end of week when he had looked at X-ray and checked with oncologist.  Right side to be dealt with a later date as not as advanced as left side.


Popped into knit and natter after which is held in a room at the library.  A teenage lad complained about the noise we were making.  Wouldn’t mind but it’s not like the old days when you weren’t allowed to speak in libraries, and the floor above is for studying  not the one we’re on.  Still, gave us all a good giggle, a bunch of middle aged woman being told off for being rowdy.  He should have heard us after a few Vinos on our Christmas lunch.


After a horrible foggy start it’s turned into a beautiful day here.  Hope you’re all enjoying your day and those of you working that the working day is either over or very nearly, tossing off is done for the day, mums and mums in law all ok and everyone is feeling A Ok xx

Hello all

I’m jealous of your sunshine, it’s one of those dark, dank and dripping days here, just brought a very muddy dog back from the nature reserve. There can’t be much nature there at the moment, there was a digger and dumper truck making a horrible mess of the heather, so not even any peace and quiet.


Two left Helena, you’re so nearly there now!

Yeay not long now Helena :wink: xxx
I love coming home and catching up with you all. Lesley fingers crossed your shoulder will get sorted soon and I can just see you and your friends causing mayhem wish I could’ve been there. Charys I love the quotes especially the last one I’m often that friend who says the wrong thing but my hearts in the right place promise :-D.
Work is going ok I’m getting used to the routines again and slowly feeling a bit braver but I’m finding that I’m starving, I eat in my break to keep me going then I have to eat again when I get home, it’s ok at the moment as I could do with replacing the weight I lost but I won’t be to good if I carry on.
Oncology appointment is tomorrow and I’ve had a few wobbles about going I hate how it brings everything back.
Sue sorry your on the waiting game again.

Marydan I’ll be thinking of you on Thursday it won’t be half as bad as you think. I was my own worst enemy trying to do too much so take it easy. Xxxxx
Catch up later much love Clair xxxx

I’ll be knocking my door very loudly for you
:slight_smile: I know it sounds daft but I did miss going for a few days!!

The fluffies’ knockers and bells will be something to hear!! How frustrating for you Lesley, yet more waiting around. I’m back from my GP. All ok with bloods, other than an elevated CRP, which will be tested again and I still need to have cholesterol tests. She says give it another month to see if the fatigue improves and I may benefit from our local fatigue service. I’m feeling very supported and lucky with my GP.
It did remain grotty and grim today here, but I can see lots of bulbs popping out of the ground and our fluffies magnolia is looking full of promise xx

Whens Delly due back then ?

Didn’t Sue say she was staying with friends for a few days?

Definitely good news I think and GP wasn’t overly worried. She then asked me some worky stuff and I knew the answer, so hopefully not forgotten everything!
I think Delly was due to be back by the end of the week? X

Aww thank you Charys <3. That’s really nice of you to say. I’m very lucky to do a job I’m totally passionate about.
I’m a no faff person who always thought life was short enough so I’ve found this so frustrating when I physically couldn’t do things. But I’m getting there slowly. I’m also very lucky to have some wonderful people around me including on here to help me through xxx

Mary you’ll be great just remember small steps at first, concentrate on the things you can do the rest will come. I was reminded today during our class yoga session that I can’t lift my arm as high as I’d like without it hurting, if this had happened last week I’d would’ve cried but this week I thought it’s ok I’ll get there :slight_smile: lv Clair

Hi Lily, cor you’ve been busy enjoy your soak in the bath xxx

Yeh, Charys, was a bit “shocked” to see/have a response so early on in the morning. Not so unusual for moi, but deffo not for the likes of you-hoo. But, Hey, am I not complaining - Good to see/hear you my Darling friend, as with all the rest of you-hoos.


Am patiently waiting on your responses. That’s if you dare, or more appropriately “wish” to. You may have all kicked me out by now - Sobbing Boo-hoo’s if so. Naa, I don’t think you’re quite so fickle in your attentions towards me - do I??


Oooooo, have I missed you ALL - honestly. I Don’t do B.S. What’s that - Black Sabbath? Ball and Shot?? Bull and S**t? Naaa, only GENUINE stuff from Delly, espesh if it’s lovey stuff. Praps a bit too genuine, open, honest - get taken advatage of sometimes, but don’t think any of you are gonna do that, are you? Trust you lot implicitly, you know

Am rabbitting now so

Byeeeee again xxxxxxxxxx

P.S._ I’d given Sue a massive hint, should she at all wish to give me a pressie that is!! Decent Dictionary - wasn’t her idea. Is wonderful that SOMEone listened to me and my suggestions for a change. Thank you soooo much for, Sweetie-Sue xxxxx

Welcome back Delicious Delly, can’t put into words how much we’ve missed you.  Logging on just now and finding your long, won’t call it post, will call it entry for best short story  competition, was like being given an unexpected lovely present.  Now I’ve gone soppy, and I don’t do soppy!


Its freeeeezing here, thick white froast but beautiful blue sky and sunny.  My friend in Spain is beside herself with excitement this morning because they’ve got snow, ok, only a dusting, but she hasn’t seen snow since she moved there 8 years ago and says how much she misses it.  I keep reminding her that when it snowed she used to phone into work and book  leave and refuse to leave her house because she was scared of driving in it and didn’t and still doesent “do walking”, or only to and from the car.  She thinks I’m crazy that I actually walk for pleasure.


Good luck with today’s tossing Helena, the penultimate  one (just looked in Delly dictionary).  Hope everyone else is ok today.  Catch you all later xx

Hi ladies,

HUGE Hug to Delly - who seems to have arrived safely home.

Little caution for those of you, who have done chemo and radiotherapy - do not expect too much of yourself.

I know I suffered from fatigue - now 3 1/2 months post my last chemo and 2 1/2 months post my radiotherapy. I was also aware that I have a slight cognitive dysfunction (chemo brain), which still troubles me.

However, I did not think that I was quite as bad - as I am. Hence the getting to know Delly better, was, in parts, clouded by this troublesome ‘left over’ from my treatment.

For those of you, who are wondering what on earth I am talking about - here is an exerpt and links


Most people who have cognitive changes are able to do everyday things. But they may notice they aren’t able to do some things quite as well as before they had cancer. Symptoms can include

Memory loss – forgetting things that you normally remember
Difficulty thinking of the right word for a particular object
Difficulty following the flow of a conversation
Trouble concentrating or focusing on one thing
Difficulty doing more than one thing at a time (multi tasking)
More difficulty doing things you used to do easily, such as adding up in your head
Fatigue (tiredness and lack of energy)
Mental fogginess
The changes are often mild and very subtle. But if you have them they can reduce your quality of life.



Having found out more about my condition - I am comforted in one way - but troubled in another - as there is no indication as to when this will go away. Hoping that some of you might find the info of help - and recognise some of the challenges you have - to not beat yourself up, because of them. It will take time to heal the bits - no one can see.


Hugs to all

Sue x





Wow, a stimulating start to the day xx

love it, Charys! ?
ann x