Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

so good to see you both back, Delly & Sue.
I was lucky that I got off pretty lightly with treatment & unlike you, Sue, had great support from my employer, so had the time & space to recover. As Charys says, its going to take time, when having been through so much & its still early days.
ann x

Afternoon all


welcome back Delly and Sue!! Looks like you’ve had a cracking weekend together. Anything that involves alcohol, good food, a beach and fireworks sounds perfect to me. Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for your results Sue. 


Helena!!! One more to go!!! Tomorrow will feel like a momentous day. I cried when I got back in the car after my last one. A combination of relief and exhaustion I think. That’s it though sweetheart!! The last one almost in the bag. 


Sue mentioned that fuzzy feeling. I get that now too and I didn’t have chemo. Think it may have been dizzy that I mentioned it too previously, but we have a lot of ‘thingy’s’ in our house now! I struggle to remember the name for many things, from objects, fruit and veg and of course people. The conversations we’ve had at home…“you know that woman, she lives with what’s his face, just up the road from that thingy. No? Never mind”… I fear I’ve turned from an articulate well educated woman, in to some kind of deranged brainless wonder. Work is going to be interesting next week that’s for sure. I work in the insurance industry so attention to detail is kind of essential. Hopefully I’ll get back in to swing soon enough. 


As as I mentioned the other day, I went on a Look Good, Feel Better course yesterday. It really was a joy. There were 16 of us and we did all have a real giggle. I was absolutely stunned on the bag of goodies I had to come home with, it really was unbelievable. I’ve had a go at putting makeup on today the way I was shown on the course and I do look better. I have a tube of bright luminous green cream to help with my new blotchy and spotty tamoxifen skin and it really has made a difference today! It was worth going for that alone as psychologically it has made me feel better about how I look. It sounds like nothing but I felt like a permanent tomato with my skin and it was getting to me. Now if it could help with my achy bones and lack of sleep then I’m sorted!!!


I popped in to my office today to say hello and they’re looking forward to having me back next week. As tiring as its going to be, I’m looking forward to that part of my life returning to normal. 


Apologies if ive not mentioned anyone today - theres so much to keep track of these days!


sending massive hugs to everyone


I’ve just noticed Helena that you’re showing as a Community Champion!!! Congrats!!! Xxx

Hurrah Ann and Helena !!! Youve got yerselves a shiny star. Lovely. I was hoping you both would ?

…and Moijan !!!


im so so pleased that it went well with the pharmacist today. That’s really good news. I’m sure sometimes, same as other medical professionals, they need a reminder that there is normally a very good reason why we ask what we ask, and that its not just for the hell of it or because we’re being awkward. They just needed a prompt and I’m glad he listened to you and you’re going to get the brand that suits you the best! Fantastic news!!



Have pm d you back Helena lol

Big congrats to Helena, Ann and Moijan for getting the award, well done.  I’m not likely to get one, but Im hugely grateful for not being thrown off the site for misbehaving, that will do for me.


Beth, your description of thingies etc has reassured me.  I sometimes get really scared when I can’t remember the name for the simplest of things when I’ve always been known for my almost photographic memory.  It’s really frightening at times.  Sometimes posting on here I struggle for a word then use an alternative.  So glad I’m not going back to work, I really dont think I could manage.


Helena, Im out tomorrow from mid morning, first to a meeting at the local museum then going straight from there to the BC support group meeting that Ive been railroaded into attending and won’t be home until after 5.30.  Therefore I’ll be ringing my bell for you as I leave the house.  It will probably be before you actually have your final zapping but I really want to do it, so better early than late.xx

Oh my goodness - one day at work and I come on here and surrounded by champions! Congratulations you lovely lot and well deserved.
Not sure I was ready for a full day. However, it was our team meeting and we had it at mine with a bring and share lunch. I did find it difficult not to be teary, they were all so lovely.
I can’t name check all of you but Helena tomorrow belongs to you and Lesley, you will always be my champion with your bell!!

This is definitely me NOW, and I love it xx



Congratulations Ann, Moijan and Helena thank you for your support and love. Xxxx

Today I was discharged from oncology and it’s been the most emotional experience so far I can’t stop crying, silly isn’t it.
I’m all on my own now untl my August mammogram but I’m really happy xxx



its weird isn’t it when it’s all over. Apparently oncology won’t be seeing me again either and have a 6 month check up in April in the breast unit - it’ll actually be 8 months but no Appts available before then! And then the anxious wait for annual mammogram later in the year. 

It’s great feeling but a lonely one too. We did it though!! We’ve made it out the other side with our lives ahead of us. All I need now is my mojo so if you find it, please send it home!!! 


this is what I will be telling myself next week when I go back to work !!! image.jpg

Cooo-eee gorgeously lovelies,


Have finally sat down to catch up on yers.

Sweet-Sue - am I to be concerned, that I seem to suffer from ALL those symptoms listed in your this morning’s post and haven’t ever had chemo or rads?? ! You’ve just reminded me to stick a note on the KETTLE for tomorrows “Headcase Clinic” appointment 10.30 and that I need to phone first thing to find out exeactly where it is. Thanks flower.xx Hope you’re well and more rested to day?

Reading, reading. Haven’t gone back to P 26 yet, but wanted to touch base NOW. Awww, thank you all for your Happy Birthday wishes. It really was a more special one for me this year, sharing it with Sue-hoo. Bout bloomin time tho’. Hoping it signifies a “shift” in my god awful last 13 yrs of major horrible stuff.


Hope you are all well today, am up on Yor last tommorrow, Ball Bowling Helena !! whoohoo.

Love to all for now


What is it with this emotion stuff?  Now I’ve always got very upset at anything to do with animals suffering, whether it be  pets or wild animals, but tonight I watched the news and this poor couple put their beloved dog into doggy day care while they were at work and paid £36 per day so their dog would be looked after and not lonely.  Another large dog there bit  and killed it.  I cried and cried watching their home videos of their gorgeous dog until my mild headache turned into a monster one, and I just know that tonight when I’m awake in bed I’ll be weeping into my pillow grieving.  Need to toughen up, or better still, watch something funny.   Maybe I’ll read back on some of our old posts when we were on top form exchanging funny stories xx

I have one word for you Lesley…epilator

Thanks Charys, that made me giggle xx

I agree lily, I think we’re all still in there somewhere. I get glimpses of the old me every now and then, but I think the main difference is we’re looking at the world through slightly different eyes - and not the tamoxifen tired blurry ones lol. 

We definitely view things differently now, be it work, people or just stuff in general. Stuff that used to be important, isn’t anymore in some cases. What I would love to happen and I’m sure it will, is for my energy levels to return so that I can make the most of this ‘second chance’ I’ve been granted. See my family more, travel more, experience the world a bit more (if I can find a travel insurance company!!) and just live a bit more!!! Look out world I will be back!!! (Said quietly coughing…“at some point!”)

think my post turned into a ramble. Sorry xxx

Thank you Lily xx. And Beth, you mentioning travel insurance is something that has been on my mind too, so pleased to hear what youve said Lily, I was quite concerned that it would now be ridiculous money to get insurance to travel abroad.  Feel reassured now xx