Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake


can I ask you a question? How are you managing with the tiredness/fatigue when you are in work? I’m full of admiration for you and how you’ve coped returning to work but I have no idea how I’ll cope next week. Do you just plough through? Starting to get stressed out here at the thought of next week!!


Hi Beth,
the first week I was shattered and I only did 2, 3hour days. I was up most of the night before the first day and was emotionally worried about it all which made me exhausted. Everyone was lovely but I found all the fuss and people asking how I was very tiring too.
The second week I found it really difficult to find my place in the team as everyone was making sure I was ok and fussed around me and I was very wary of getting hurt which again was emotionally and physically exhausting. I’d go home cry and fall asleep. I was far to hard on myself and pushed myself to hard. I thought going back to work would make me feel normal again but I didn’t so got very frustrated with myself. So last weekend I gave myself permission to be ok the things can’t do yet and be happy with what I can do.
This week has been a turning point for me I’m in for 4 1/2 hours everyday I get home by 1.20 have a cuppa and a catch up in fb and here then do a few jobs then have a rest. I’m not too tired because I’m sleeping better. I think the physical bit of work has helped with that.
So my advice would strongly be just be kind to yourself, If you feel tired and frustrated it’s ok. Oh and drink lots of water and have regular snacks to keep your energy up. Hope that helps xxxxxx

Oh I was really lucky because my hubby cooked tea and the kids helped with the housework for the first few days they still help now but need more reminding.
Make sure you rest up when you can and leave work at work and don’t think of it at home. I used to come home and do lots for the next day and make resources or just worry about stuff now I don’t xxxxx

Helena at last my bell is ringing  away so hard it sounds like someone’s getting married!! I am so happy for you, you’ve done so well and carried on smiling all through this, you deserve the fizz now.


Everyone, no matter how mad I think I am for feeling the way I do, I find you’re all there with me and with each other, you are all wonderful.


Clair, I hope you feel really proud of yourself for the way you’re dealing with going back to work, it’s a big step physically and emotionally, but you’re doing so well.


Lee, when you wake up, glad you found this thread, it was a real life saver for me, I found this when I was pretty much in the depths of despair, and now look where I am? ( Completely mad, but that’s a huge improvement!)


Delly, thank you for all your lovely words, I will think about what you said. And I really hope your meeting today went well, that you weren’t horribly nervous or upset, because these things can be really difficult in the beginning. But a great help in moving forward if you can find the right kind of help.


No, no more soppiness, promise! Anyway, it’s Helena’s rads party, can’t be a party pooper for that!  Anyway, haven’t we all done well, we’ve got this far and are starting to look a bit further afield than just the next week or appointment or whatever. So I reckon we all deserve a glass of Helena’s bubbly.

Love it that’s my kind of bubble bath :smiley:

Yay, Helena, all done xx. So so happy for you xx


Not been in long, and guess the first thing I’d did?  Ok,  poured a glass of vino (you know me so well, so you guessed correctly).  Put dinner on and logged on to see what what my lovely ladies had been up to.  Went to meeting in museum then went reluctantly along to the BC support meeting at the hospice.  There were only 5 of us.  At first all I kept thinking was, I wish you lot were there and then what fun we would have.  It  was lead by a nurse who first asked what we wanted to drink.  After taking everyone else’s order for tea, herbal tea and coffee I ordered a gin and tonic - deathly silence!  Thought, this is not the place for me! Anyway, as being the newbie I was asked to kick off with my story.  At the end the nurse said, ok, we can arrange for you to see our physio about your cording, I think you would benefit from some aromatherapy massage, we suggest all our ladies have counselling (the others all piped up how the counsellor there had helped them, even when they didn’t think they needed it) and I would feel happier if someone looked at your boob as you’re  still swollen and peeling, ill be in contact when I’ve set the wheels in motion.  After an hour she left us just to chat among ourselves.  Could not believe that she’s going to arrange all that for me.  Two of the woman there are being treated privately, think I got better care on the NHS.


Anyway, so happy to catch up with you all, and so so happy that Helena is done with zapping.  Now lady, be patient, and take it slowly, and be warned you might feel a bit down now it’s over, but remember, the only way is up, that’s a cue for a song I think.


Delly, hope all went ok today.  Beth, your not on your own, you’ve got Mac, no better company than a four legged companion xx


Lesley finally! Sooo glad someone is finally going to look at all this for you and I’m sure you, if anyone can, will get the group on wine within a couple of weeks!
Loving the daily quote and cake talk!
Did any of you watch Spy in the Wild ? Just amazing. Xx

Oh thank you, just hope she keeps her word and does arrange tt all for me and it’s not all hot air like the BCN chat when I was diagnosed.


Goodnight all xx

Morning! I’m here and enjoying sun through the windows, thinking I should do a Dizzy and clean them! Hope you’re all having similar sunshine. I figure Helena must be enjoying her first Friday without Rads xxx

Morning lovelies, just.popping in as I’m 'on my.break :-D. It’s freezing cold but bright and sunny and I’m full of cold ready for the weekend. Helena it just shows that you needed that sleep have a lovely day xxx
Catch up with you all later lots of love and hugs xxxx

Hello everyone on this gorgeous day,


So glad you slept well Helena, don’t overdo the housework though.  Clair, a cold, just what you need, NOT.


Just crawled out of bed, first full blown migraine of the year.  Thankfully magic jollop prescribed by the neurologist worked it magic, pain gone but still all the other horrible symptoms.  Just hope it’s a one day one.  Phoned  to arrange a telephone appointment with Extended Scope Practioner as agreed after appointment and X-ray on Monday.  Soonest telephone appointment 7 February.  I was so upset and then asked the booking clerk how long I would have to wait for an actual appointment if he agrees to give me the injection?  When I told her the circumstances she was so lovely, and although she should not have, she  went ahead and booked the next available “proper appointment” (20 February) as well for me.  Fingers crossed he’ll agree to do it when we speak on 7th and I’m now already booked in for the 20th, can’t wait, though when I had it before it was two weeks after the injection that I started getting any improvement then after that, bit better each day.


Sorry, long ramble about “poor me”.  I had a great result yesterday and I didn’t even want yo go, so Im very grateful and thankful to them.


Beth, I hope you’re not lonely without your husband.  Think this is your last weekday off work?  Hope you’re making the most of it.


Dizzy hope you’re feeling brighter.  Delly, are you going to let us know how it went at your session, or are you still processing it all?  Where’s today’s quote Charys?  And Rubycat, you can run my bath for me everyday, think I could just about squeeze in among all those bottles of bubbly.  Janey, leave the windows, no point cleaning them when it’s sunny, the sun always shows up the streaks, besides, you e been at work this week so need to charge up the batteries.  Lily, how’s you? Hope your head has been behaving.  Moijan, Marydan and Ann, hope you’re all ok.  And Lee, was that a one off visit or are you coming to play?  Apologies if I’ve missed anyone out, Im getting forgetful with names, can’t even blame the anastrozole as been off it for 3 months now, so guess it’s just old age xx

Hi from sunny Wales 


beautuful day here too. Not a cloud in the sky at all and a thick crisp white frost this morning. Just lovely. Had a relatively steady morning, popped to tesco for a few bits that some how came to £38 , then home and took Mac out for his daily walk. Spot of lunch and now settling down to watch the inauguration. I fear there may be some interesting times ahead. 


Lesley I hope you start to feel better soon. To have to cope with everything else on top of BC is horrendous. I’m so glad the group was helpful and it’ll be well worthwhile if you get all the referrals you need. It’s just a shame they couldn’t have been done earlier for you. 


Helena!! First day of freedom!! It truly is a great feeling but be prepared for it to possibly wane and you may feel low in a couple of days. If you do, remember that it is perfectly normal and probably happened to most of us here that had rads. But of course, it may not happen at all!!!


clair, I hope your cold doesn’t develop into anything too miserable. 


Last working day day at home for me. I honestly have no idea where the last 8 weeks have gone, let alone where the 5 months since diagnosis has gone. What a rollercoaster. But here I am, starting to get my strength back and crawling slowly towards whatever normality will look like from now on.


Busy weekend ahead - meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow, then having my hair done so I look remotely human for work. On Sunday I’m off to watch my 14 year old niece play rugby. Few hours after that and hubby will be home. 


Hope everyone one else is doing ok. 

Catch up later 


Beth, remember, tell the hairdresser, no Lisa S hairdo, you don’t want to set hubbie off again.


Lily, youv e made me jealous, walk by the sea, AND ice cream!  Lily, No, i don’t get the optical bit of the migraine, just the horrific right sided pain (daily headaches are either left side or middle).  The drug cocktail stops the pain, but I feel spaced out, blurry vision, nauseaous and weak and can’t stand any noise and bright light.  Such a shame as it’s so lovely today and I’ve got the curtains closed.  Hoping it’s a one day one and I’m ok for my walk tomorrow and that’s it sunny then too xx



That’s lovely Helena xx

Rubycat, how dare you  put a photo of my bathroom on here without asking me first?


Just watched Trump’s speech, urrr, no comment!


Dinner cooked, eaten and washing up waiting for himself to finish eating so he can do it.  He takes ages… to eat,  me, I just chuck it down xx

Now you’ve finished your rads Helena you’re  down to clean both mine and Rubycats bathrooms, and before you leave you have  to fill our baths with bubbles and bubbly xx

You lot do make me laugh!!! Which I need after watching the inauguration today ??


a few few years ago my mum had a ‘war cupboard’. It contained candles, water, wind up radio, tins of food and a camper stove, duct tape (to seal the windows of course) etc etc etc. Think I might need to eat my words and take a leaf out of her book lol and get a few bits in!!! World suddenly doesn’t feel a safe place anymore. ?


Frightening times ahead I think.  No, I mustn’t start a war cupboard, Im trying to get rid of stuff and not start hoarding again.  I’ll just dig a bomb shelter in the garden and fill it with wine xx

Well, quite unexpectedly, I had a lump in my throat when the Obamas’ left in the helicopter. Oh deep joy . . . we live in interesting times!
love to all
ann x