Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

image.png look out world!! Trump is in control now!!! ??

I can hardly bear to watch the news onTV. Michelle’s face throughout told a tale. So sad to see the Obamas leave. Trump truly is a horrible man.
I’m going to think instead of lovely Dorset. Portland is a lovely place and my sister and her husband had their wedding reception in the old drill hall there in May last year. It didn’t defrost here all day, but I had a lovely day out with a friend who has been so lovely the last few months.
Rubycat - where do you get your picture inspirations. Loving the Golden Girls photo.
Come on Dellywellydodah pop in and say hello on this thread too (there are hugs here!). Helena slow down. I heeded advice today on window cleaning and felt better for it! Night night you lovely fluffy bunch sleep well, keep cool and here’s to the weekend xx

I’ve re read my message. When I was at school I was told I over used and misused commas - hmm now I appear to overuse the word lovely!

Well, I was a reluctant remainer, but the old order did not see it coming or was responsive enough, so now this will be played out … oh dear, getting philosophical now, off to bed, I think!
Janey - use ‘lovely’ as much as you want
nite all
ann xxx

Here you are! I forgot what thread I had posted on. My degree was information studies specialising in Librianship. Thanks for the lovely welcome xx

Welcome back Lee!!! ??xx

Good morning, yay, another lovely sunny one.


Lee, You need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs so you know where to find us.


Janey, you can use the word lovely as many times as you like because you’re lovely xx


Another day, another headache, but thankfully not a migraine just my run of the mill one.  Not walking with my friends this morning, one has to have lunch with her MIL, poor thing, another has a cold, so I’ll head into town with himself for brunch and some shopping.


Enjoy your day all xx

Morning all, another frosty one.


Lee, I don’t think you’ve explained on this thread that you’re in Australia and can only catch us  at certain times. But we’ll be jealous of your summer weather while we shiver.


Hope everyone has a good day, I’m off for a walk, catch you all later.

Ooh Lee where in Australia? One of my sisters lives there. Shamefully she’s been there 20+ years and we went for the first time two years ago. I didn’t want to come home!
I did the windows, although if the sun comes back I may regret not polishing very well!
Hoping the sun does come out tomorrow, as I am now hankering for some sea air.
I hope your Saturdays are as sparkly as your windows xx

Love the picture Rubycat. Flipping heck it’s cold out, the car says it’s zero here. We scuttled round at top speed for Daisy’s walk, I don’t do running but we couldn’t have been far off. It’s times like this I’m glad I have a lapdog.We’ve just lit the logburner but it’s still a bit nippy, and I don’t want to turn the heating up or I’ll be cooking in half an hour. But a warm cuddly snoozy lapful is wonderful at the mo, along with coffee, the paper and a Scrabble app.


Hope you’re all keeping warm, and Clair, your cold improves, Lesley, the head is better, Beth and Helena, you’re taking it easy.


Love to all


Oh Ruby Ruby Ruby that made me laugh out loud! Where were you hiding?! That dressing gown is a favourite of mine … cold cold cold here but more bulb tips showing themselves every day.
Seems a bit mean to ban hot water bottles. Glad you are rebels!
Cuppa made and time to watch our beloved Chiefs in TV.
Hugs to all xxx

Clever Rubycat doing a stakeout and catching Janey in all her glory cleaning her windows.  Well, you won’t catch me cleaning mine as I’ve got a very good excuse for  not doing them, can’t use my arms with both shoulders being frozen, every cloud and all that.


What a glorious day here, albeit it very cold.  Bought two camellias, one red, one pink off the market and five bunches of daffs, my first of the year.  My beautiful orchid bought as a good luck pressie for me when I went in for my op has just flowered again.  I’m thrilled, a to have kept it alive this long and b that is actually reflowered.  The original blooms were a vivid blue, second time around the blooms are white,  its not quite as spectacular as the blue but still beautiful.


Going to make a cuppa and watch last nights Delicious with Dawn French, last in series.  Still no Delly.  Maybe she’s run away with the counsellor xx

For you Janey the next time you go to the Fatigue Gym.  



I always have skinny pringles on gym days! I cannot warm up, despite heating on and slippers! X

Hello lovelies,
it’s been a chilly blue sky type of day so we set off for a visit to Tynetesfield house, my daughter has the weekend off and she loves NT properties. Some of the countryside on the way there was covered in frost and looked totally beautiful. It was lovely to get out and about and was so warm in the sun
( Janey I use the word lovely far to much)
I keep out of politics as I get cross and too worried… Lesley I’ll be coming to yours if it all hits the fan and I’ll bring a bottle or 2 :smiley:
Helena, I’m glad your still resting up Xx
Beth & Rubycat loving the pics they always make me smile then the O half looks at at me wondering what on earth I’m doing :smiley:
My cold is brewing along nicely and I’m keeping kleenex… Other types available… In business. The hot honey lemon drink and paracetamol seem to keep everything at bay for now.
I’m still freezing from our walk so I’m heading for a hot soak as soon as the water has heated up, I’m afraid I have a very old back boiler and the timer is tempremental so I don’t use it, it takes ages to heat up but gives the hottest water I’ve ever encountered when it’s finally ready.
Catch you later tons of love and hugs for you All. Clair. xxxxxx

Just put the phone down after an hour long chat with my sister.  Like all you lot she’s freezing, I must be the only one who’s hot.


Helena, how do you know how many hours youve spent on the site?

That’s better all warmed up in my pj’s and snuggled in bed :smiley:
Helena how did you find out how long you’ve been on?

Ok, ive just found out, Ive spent 11,613 minutes on here so you beat me Helena xx

Evening peeps


phew what a day. Been out most of the day and am worn out - but in a good way. Lunch with friends, wander around the shops, hairdressers to make myself look human (even if I don’t feel it) ready for work next week. Home and took dog out for a walk, back and made myself food and am only now sitting down. Bushed!!!

I’m thinking that if I can do all of that, I should be ok next week when I’m back in the office. We’ll see. 


Looks like everyone has had a busy day in some shape or form. The frost here didn’t melt all day and when I get home at 5pm, it was already 0 degrees. Going to be a cold one tonight again!


so looking forward to having hubby home tomorrow. Talking to the dog is not the same!!



Clair, just tap on your name on top right of page and scroll down, it gives you all your details xx